HIV Commission Not Buying CalOSHA Porn Regs

Today’s Los Angeles County HIV commission heard public comments from adult performer Lotus Lain, Free Speech Coalition’s Diane Duke, and attorney Karen Tynan in opposition to the proposed CalOSHA adult industry regulations.  

The Public Policy Committee recommended that the commission request the LA county supervisors pass a resolution indicating:

The Los Angeles County Commission on HIV recommends the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors direct its advocates and representatives to oppose the Proposed State Standard, Title 8, Division 1, Chapter 4 regulations, open for public comment until May 21, 2015, unless amended to reflect the following:

1. Clarifying language that guarantees employers will not have access to employees’ private medical records – especially records that indicate employees’ HIV status.

2. Specific protections that ensure people living with HIV/AIDS are in no way subject to employment discrimination

3. Incorporation of meaningful stakeholder input that reflects the experiences and views of the employees of the industry

4. Provisions to ensure that employees have unincumbered choices in accesing culturally competent medical care

5. Additional language that specifically addresses access to and utilization of biomedical prevention methods, including testing, Treatment as Prevention, PEP and PrEP to reduce risk of exposure.

The vote was made without dissent. The LA County Supervisors will take the matter up on Tuesday.  


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