Over the last few days myself and my high priced news team have been watching the twitter accounts of certain members of the Union along with the Union account…Around 5 days ago the Union Twitter account seemed anti-prop 60. Even going as far as to retweet FSC vote no tweets..
However, IMO, the Union twitter account seemed to have changed its tone the night before the Cal/Osha Standards meeting
Spoon fed? Who was that message for? It’s a union account, followed by union members, I doubt very many fan voters even know that account exists. At the time of this post, the account has about 806 followers, going thru them, they are mostly spam accounts and people in the industry. The talent is already educated and for the most part everyone agrees this is a bad idea.. Well, Mike South doesn’t,
Check out who favorited that tweet. The Union
Funny how South, the guy who ISN’T impacted by the condom measure passing, is for it, he shoots in Georgia and books his talent off Craigslist.. No tests btw, just a HIV oral swab and the good ole Mike South, “Ive known these guys for years voucher system“..
That particular conversation took place after I reported that Union founder Physlisha Ann was sitting with AHF at the standards meeting yesterday.
Now this is all circumstantial and nothing more. I have no idea if the Union cut a deal with AHF. and it appears very few Union members can actually answer that question. Something happened in the last 3 days causing Union members to start questioning it’s leadership..
From a Union Member earlier today. I’ve redacted names and certain parts so I can split this up into 2 posts..
After this conversation Union Founder Phyllisha Ann (lots of great union stories here) texted me about changing some story around. I asked her about 7 different times if the Union had decided to sign onto AHF’s condom rebuttal..She rambled on about an Interview I was supposed to do with her and gave me these 2 answers..
Basically, if in fact the union is helping AHF, no one voted on it..That’s not how Unions work. Unions take votes, every member should have a voice. Several people who’ve left the union as well as a couple members currently still involved in the Union say Phyllisha calls the shots..Which is odd, since she’s not a board member and in theory her input should be equal to other members.
Now, again, this is all just all circumstantial, The union owes me no explanation as I’ve been its biggest critic, but then again, I just accused the Union of going over to the darkside.. I would think a “fuck you Sean we would never do that”, or even a “Hell no” would of been their response. But as per the norm, Phyllisha has no idea how to deal with media or even give a str8 answer…
I know if I started an organization and my members had to reach out to the guy who hated me most for some legit info id rethink the way I took care of business…
Lets just hope the scam union told AHF to get the fuck out of town…
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