A judge said Malibu Media can try to identify the pirates who used an online file sharing program to illegally download copyrighted adult films.
Nineteen lusty pirates of the Internet on Long Island who have been amassing a booty of swiped adult films will be getting a subpoena in the mail.
Federal Magistrate Steven Locke ruled Monday that Malibu Media, a Los Angeles-based producer of online porn, can try to identify the John Does who use the BitTorrent file sharing system to illegally download the copyrighted flicks.
Malibu Media’s owners say they produce erotica that is “artistic and beautiful,” but they will be put out of business if they don’t protect their paid subscription service.
Among the films that have been swiped are “Feeling Frisky,” “Brazilian Love Affair,” “Early Morning Orgasm,” and “Santa’s Little Helper,” according to court papers.
The judge’s order specifies that the Internet Service Providers, such as Verizon and Optimum, must contact the cable subscriber of the implicated ISP address first, before turning over the information to Malibu Media to minimize the risk of embarrassing an innocent person.
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