Judges removed for watching porn

Three judges who allegedly viewed pornography on official IT equipment at work were sacked for “wholly unacceptable” behaviour and a fourth has resigned, the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) has said.

It announced that District Judge Timothy Bowles from Romford County Court, London Immigration Judge Warren Grant and deputy district judge and Recorder Peter Bullock, who worked on the North Eastern Circuit, have been removed from office.

Recorder Andrew Maw, who worked in the Midlands Region, resigned in September, aged 65, before the disciplinary process ended.

A JCIO spokesman said: “The Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice were satisfied that the material did not include images of children or any other illegal content, but concluded that this was an inexcusable misuse of their judicial IT accounts and wholly unacceptable conduct for a judicial office-holder.”
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