Liberty On the Rocks To Host Sex Work Writer Maggie McNeill at Chicago’s Goose Island Clybourn, July 22

Come join Liberty On the Rocks for another night of drinking and liberty as we meet up at Goose Island Clybourn on Tuesday, July 22nd at 6:30 PM. We will be meeting in the cellar space of the restaurant, and will be hosting a special guest speaker, Maggie McNeill Maggie McNeill was a librarian in suburban New Orleans, but after divorce economic necessity spurred her to take up sex work; from 1997 to 2006 she worked first as a stripper, then as a call girl and madam. She eventually married her favorite client, retired, and moved to a ranch in the rural Upper South. There she writes a daily blog called “The Honest Courtesan” (http://maggiemcneill.wordpress.com/) which examines the realities, myths, history, lore, science, philosophy, art, and every other aspect of prostitution; she also reports sex work news, critiques the way her profession is treated in the media and by governments, and is frequently consulted by academics and journalists as an expert on the subject. Maggie’s talk will focus on government regulation of prostitution and the effects that it has on personal freedoms for everyone. Please feel free to invite whoever you like and bring friends. Hope to see you there!!

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