The Sony PlayStation 4 is one of the hottest-selling gaming systems. Its parental controls can restrict content that you might not want your children to see, like violent games or adult content.
But Consumer Reports says you could be surprised by what the PS4’s parental controls allow.
PlayStation 4 is unveiled for the first time by Andrew House, President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., at the PlayStation E3 Press Conference (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision)
PlayStation 4’s NBA game is a favorite among these teens. But some PlayStation 4 games are strictly off-limits.
“Well, I make sure that they’re really playing games that I think are not too violent,” said Fogarty Foote.
Anything Goes
You can block kids from playing those games with the parental controls. But in Consumer Reports labs, testers discovered there is other content you can’t easily restrict.
“The PlayStation 4 lets gamers stream live streams of any game they’re playing, including adult games or mature-rated games. Kids can view these live streams, and they can comment on them and view other people’s comments, even if you have parental controls on,” said Carol Mangis, Consumer Reports.
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