When Milan Marinkovic’s wife Milena died three years ago, she left a very personal request for him to fulfill: She wanted a stonemason to engrave a replica of her private parts on the tombstone.
Her intention for the rather public display of her privates was simple: She wanted to ensure that Marinkovic, a resident of Belgrade, Serbia, never looked at another woman, according to The Sun.
“I don’t want you chasing other women. This way you will always remember me,” she said in a letter explaining her bizarre last request, according to the Austrian Times.
Making the request was one thing. Fulfilling it was another.
Although Milena left detailed instructions, including photos, of her sex organ to ensure complete accuracy, her husband had a rocky time finding a stonecutter who would agree to the request. Most of those told Marinkovic the request was blasphemous, according to NewsFixNow.
Milan Marinkovic honored his wife’s last request by engraving a replica of her vagina onto her tombstone.
Despite the struggle, Marinkovic recently found a mason who was willing to do the titillating tombstone engraving and the results are on display at the cemetery.
“Now it’s finished I love it and it’s a really good likeness,” he told the Austrian Times. “And this way, a part of her will always be with me.”
Although people have seen Milan’s labia likeness, most can’t tell what it is. Milan told The Sun that his brother-in-law asked why the bird on the tombstone had such a large beak.
“I couldn’t help but laugh,” he said.
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