Mindgeek wants to call the shots on talent going back to work #TheyGot$

Over the last few days, the largest employer of adult talent has stated they will continue to honor FSC/Mindgeek’s production hold. Going as far as to say, if YOU don’t, they will re-evaluate their relationship with you.

There are several agencies who read into it the same way I do, if you shoot, BEFORE Mindgeek does, your agency most likely won’t be used to book for future Mindgeek work.

Bottom line, Mindgeek doesn’t want anyone putting out new scenes before they do, and if you do, your agency will be punished.

Since Mindgeek is the biggest supporter of FSC, rest assured FSC will do what MG says. When MG wants to shoot again, FSC will lift the hold.

They stole your work, became the most powerful porn company on the planet, and now are telling you if you don’t do what they say, you will lose even more money.

Mindgeek can weather this storm longer than 99% out there, their threats of blacklisting agencies will only go so far.

Perfect example of Big Bank taking little bank.

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