Nicholas Kristof Says Busting ‘Johns’ Is the Key to Shutting Down the World’s Oldest Profession

Is there any police activity more pointless and pathetic than a “sting” aimed at people seeking to buy arbitrarily proscribed products or services? It is bad enough when the government criminalizes a transaction—a wager, a drug purchase, the exchange of money for sex—that violates no one’s rights. When cops go out of their way to enforce that prohibition by tricking people into talking about transactions that will never occur, they manufacture “crimes” that are doubly phony. So how should we view armed agents of the state who invite people to engage in peaceful exchange, only to pounce on them with guns and handcuffs?

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof thinks they’re heroes. Consider the breathless opening of his latest column equating prostitution with “human trafficking”:

Several police officers are waiting in a hotel room, handcuffs at the ready, when they get the signal. A female undercover officer posing as a prostitute is with a would-be customer in an adjacent room, and she has pushed a secret button indicating that they should charge in to make the arrest.

The officers shove at the door connecting the rooms, but somehow it has become locked. They can’t get in. The undercover officer is stuck with her customer. Tension soars. Curses reverberate. A million fears surge.

Then, suddenly, the door frees and the police officers rush in and arrest a graying 64-year-old man, Michael. His smugness shatters and turns to bewilderment and shock as police officers handcuff his hands behind his back.

Exciting stuff. It takes a brave cop to join with several of his heavily armed colleagues in ambushing a defenseless 64-year-old who has committed the unpardonable offense of being smug in the presence of a fake prostitute.

“Armed with just his pen, brave knight Nicholas Kristof [pictured] will save all the women of the world,” writes Radley Balko

More on Nicholas Kristof at reason.com…
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Mikey South:

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  • Mr. Kristof needs to go suck an AIDS infested dick and take the same dick with its cum up the ass. Prostitution should be legal, period.

  • Nicholas Kristof has his head stuck so far up his ass it would take the jaws of life to extract it. He's been beating Melissa Farley's sex-work-equals-trafficking drum for so long it's worn out. Worth noting that Kristof is the NYT's house conservative and yet somehow manages to stay asshole buddies with "progressives" like Gail Dines and Melissa Farley. They're more like him than he is like them.

    • I think Gail Dines and Nicholas Kristof would make a great married couple -- until he got horny and she rejected his advances on the count that she (evidently) believes all sex is rape. They both need to go fuck off.

      I am not familiar with Melissa Farley but if she is "progressive" along the lines of Gail Dines and Andrea Dworkin she can go fuck off as well.

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