On Hoarders: Buried Alive — Even Ron Jeremy Can’t Help [VIDEO]

Even porn star Ron Jeremy couldn’t help Louise climb out from under her massive hoard. The porn star showed up on “Hoarding: Buried Alive” to work with Louise in trying to clean up the mess she’d been building for three decades. He was the first person to have seen her cluttered apartment.

In those 30 years, Louise had nearly burned through a trust fund that was supposed to sustain her throughout her life. Instead, it enabled her to grow her hoard even faster than the average person afflicted with this malady. Louise used that inheritance to rent a second apartment and multiple storage units to house her ever-growing collection of stuff.

“The reality is that Louise is gonna go broke in about two to three months,” her friend Shea revealed.

At first, Louise was making good progress toward cleaning out her space and getting her life back under control, but a checkup after six weeks revealed that it had all fallen apart again. The mess was back and the future was not looking so bright for Louise. Sometimes addictions and compulsions prove too much to overcome.

See more tragic stories of hoarders on “Hoarding: Buried Alive,” Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.


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