Ontario teacher watchdog charged for writing soft porn book involving Grade 9 students

TORONTO — The Ontario College of Teachers’ former discipline chair is facing charges of professional misconduct for authoring a soft porn book containing “sexually explicit content” involving Grade 9 students and negative descriptions of teachers.

Jacques Tremblay’s role at the college and his co-authorship of The Sexteens and the Fake Goddess were exposed in a 2011 Toronto Star investigation. Tremblay resigned his role as discipline chair almost immediately and the college began a probe.

No date has been set for his hearing. Tremblay did not respond to a request for comment.

His book is a lurid tale of striptease, breast fondling, bum grabbing, orgasms, drugs and blackmail that features a deputy headmaster who sweeps a sex assault under the carpet and tells male students at a pep rally that if he were younger he would have sex with all the girls in the audience. Another teacher gives a boy advice on French kissing and as the plot unfolds we learn that the deputy headmaster and a third teacher once had a threesome with a female student.

In the notice of hearing in the Tremblay case, college investigators accuse him of “dishonourable” conduct and allege the book includes “sexualized descriptions of students.”

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