At this point, I’m impressed with the sheer breadth and scope of Justice Minister Peter MacKay’s ineptitude. These days he’s wrong about so many things and manages to communicate this wrongness in so many mediums, I’m in awe.
The man is wrong everywhere! He just keeps popping up wrong! Peter MacKay is like the Zelig of wrong! He’s wrong in the House of Commons – and throws papers on the floor. He’s as wrong in four-year-old as he is in adult.
Minister of Justice Peter MacKay stands during Question Period in the House of Commons on June 19, 2014.
The Minister of Wrong Again
His legislation, Bill C-36, is wrong and, when unveiling the bill, he was wrong about what it contained. He was wrong about his own wrongness – he was meta-wrong.
He was wrong on Wednesday when he tweeted, “As a parent, I oppose @JustinTrudeau’s plan to make dangerous drugs more accessible to children” with a video in which Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau outlines his sensible policy to legalize and control the sale of marijuana.
Mr. MacKay’s tweet is a study in wrongness. He was wrong in his accusation, wrong to include video evidence of that wrongness and wrong to do it on Twitter – where people love to point out how wrong people are.
Mr. Trudeau has no plans to allow children to buy pot (we don’t let babies buy scotch), and decriminalization has never been proved to increase children’s access to pot.
Compound all that with the self-righteous “As a parent…” and we have Russian nesting dolls of wrongness! As if people without children have no desire to see the country run well. Were all the minister’s opinions suspect before the birth of his son a year ago? Well, yes – but only because it’s Peter MacKay! A superhero of wrong! Look! It’s a bird. It’s a really over-priced fighter jet that will not do the job for which it’s intended! It’s Wrongman!
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