More pics from the ‘Don’t Censor Me!’ porn star protest in London

A rally by porn stars and other sex workers filled the wide pavement on the corner of Colombo Street, outside Wedge House, where Saturday’s Stop Porn Culture (SPC) conference was held.

The anti-porn conference’s pro-censorship organizers had insisted that their event was not the occasion for a debate with opponents.

However, during the demonstration both Gail Dines and Guardian columnist Julie Bindel appeared with plates of biscuits and entered into lively and sometimes heated debate.

Ms. Personality, Gail Dines

Conference speaker Julie Bindel hands out biscuits to protesters outside Wedge House

Around 50 protesters waving placards included members of the English Collective of Prostitutes, and strippers.

The rally was later addressed by Jerry Barnett of the pro-porn group Sex and Censorship.

Former porn star and protest co-organizer Renee Richards who is eight months pregnant said, “Dines and the other so-called feminists at this conference claim all porn has harmful effects. Yet Dines has never stepped on a porn set.”

Photos courtesy the London SE1 community website team

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Mikey South:

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  • Dines must have been torn within over choosing between her policy of never debating anyone in the sex industry or informed about it in any way (as opposed to her preferred style of telling whoppers to the naive and credulous) and her urgent personal need to get in front of any camera within a hundred miles. As usual, the latter priority prevailed.

    The protest wasn't huge, but it did have an impact as we see by the worldwide coverage and it did make clear that not all women embrace Dines' toxic vision of sexual expression. For all her yammering, Dines has about 1500 Twitter followers. Nina has about 200,000.

    The media hugely inflates the importance of people like Dines because a dogfight makes more exciting viewing than a game of chess, but there are a lot more chess players than dogfight fans out there.

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