Porn stars, prostitutes and strippers “do not need to be rescued” by anti-porn feminists. That was the rally cry at a London protest on Saturday, with a gathering of around 50 sex workers and industry figures calling for an end of the “demonization” of pornographers.
The ‘Don’t Censor Me’ demonstration was called by the Sex and Censorship campaign, in response to the UK launch of ‘Stop Porn Culture’, an anti-pornography feminist movement led by US academic [fraud] Gail Dines.
Renee Richards, a former stripper and porn star, now heavily pregnant, told the crowd she had never encountered exploitation, rape or humiliation in the porn industry.
Pro-porn picket line
“These people inside this building don’t really care about the exploitation of women,” she said, referring to the conference-goers. “They don’t care about the women working in sweatshops for big corporations.
“This is all a guise, they don’t like the porn industry because of the strange fear they have of sex. Sex, to them, should be shut away. We should go back to the Victorian times where it was sex only in dark, private rooms, preferably in the missionary position.”
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