PPACT condom billboard at school crosswalk riles Memphis residents

A Planned Parenthood billboard has only been up a week in one South Memphis neighborhood, but some people there already want it to come down.

They say the billboard, which includes the message “Getting It On Is Free” and a picture of a condom, is too graphic.


“I was shocked. I was appalled that anyone would put up a picture of condom,” said Karen Wallace.


Karen Wallace works at a church nearby and has to drive by the billboard every day.


She said what is worse it’s right next to an elementary school cross walk.


“The graphic was not necessary the message was enough,” said Wallace.


A dad who saw the sign for the first time Thursday agreed and said it’s not something he wants his children to see.


“No! It ain’t nothing to send out to my kids,” said Rickey Munn.


The billboard is one of 12 Planned Parenthood has put in the county to prevent HIV and STD’s.


The billboards direct people to FreeCondomsMemphis.org.


Planned Parenthood said it wanted its billboards to be edgy so people would remember them.


“A condom is not an explicit image it’s just a piece of latex and children see explicit images all the time on the internet, in commercials and in the movies. We are trying to promote healthy relationships and save lives,” said Ashley Coffield, CEO of Planned Parenthood Memphis.


Planned Parenthood put the FreeCondomsMemphis.org website on two dozen city buses last year and since then has given away 110,000 free condoms.

It plans to put some more billboards in the spring.

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