Categories: WTF

Russia Cancels Annual Sex Doll Race

It wasn’t bad enough Russia authorities incarcerated Pussy Riot. Now they’ve canceled an annual sex doll race, as well.

Organizers of a Russian river race involving inflatable sex dolls said that municipal officials have forced them to cancel the event.

The organizers said that Priozersky municipality officials told them that the Bubble Baba Challenge-2012, which involves competitors floating down a river on blow-up dolls, would not be allowed due to high waters and road work on a bridge over the Vuoksa River.

The organizers said on the race’s Web site they suspect the decision may be linked to recent government crackdown on opposition-related events.

“There is a suspicion that at a time of rising opposition sentiment in society, the authorities will be fighting any mass events this way,” they wrote.


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