Shelley Lubben Victimizes Porn Stars and Donors: Christian Anti-Porn Activist

In a detailed statement on the Save The Women International website, Tania Fiolleau, a Christian anti-porn/anti-prostitution activist from Canada, recounts her shocking experience with Shelley Lubben and the Pink Cross Foundation.

Tania Fiolleau notes that Shelley Lubben has used “intimidation” and “vindictiveness” to discredit the women who have come forward to speak to against Lubben’s treatment of them, and that her actions are often “irrational”.

Lubben has infamously sought to smear the names of those who have exposed her misdeeds: examples would include her former assistant, April Garris;  ex-performer Michelle Avanti (who actually sought a restraining order against Lubben);  Lubben’s own brother, Chris Moore;  and TRPWL’s Michael Whiteacre, creator of the documentary series, The Devil and Shelley Lubben.

“I can verify I have personally witnessed the same behaviour,” says Fiolleau. “Please be cautious.”

Every time women come forward with negative stories about her, Shelley accuses them of being lying, mentally ill, demon-possessed porn stars who are on drugs, etc., and she uses her public platform to discredit them. Many Christians fall victim to Shelley’s lies because she is a “Christian” and these women’s voices aren’t being heard.

We need to protect these women from being victimized again and we also need to protect the donors who donate to Pink Cross in belief that they are on the up and up.

“Shelley can’t say that I am doing this because I’m a drug addicted porn star,” says Tania Fiolleau of Save The Women International. “She can’t say I’m doing this because I am competing for donations because my charity currently isn’t accepting donations while on a sabbatical, and I am from an entirely different country.”

Says the author of “Souled Out”, an account of her life as a madam before she gave her soul to Christ,

After a great length of time and a great amount of prayer, and after seeking counsel and trying my best to deal with this situation according to scripture, I am now feeling lead in the spirit to release a public statement about Shelley Lubben and The Pink Cross Foundation.

After announcing that both she and Save The Women will be taking a one year sabbatical, thus dispelling the notion that she may be competing with Lubben for funding or notoriety, Fiolleau explains her reasons for speaking out against the scandal-plagued Lubben:

I’ve received multiple letters from women whom have suffered at the hands of Shelley Lubben and The Pink Cross Foundation. They were trying to come forward but not being taken seriously due to Shelley Lubben discrediting their accusations by accusing them of being lying drug addicted porn stars/prostitutes, and using her public platform and public figure status to squash their credibility. This left the women victimized again, and my Lord admonishes those who do not take a stand for justice and this is what I am doing. I am seeking justice on behalf of the many women whom have been hurt by Shelley Lubben and The Pink Cross Foundation.

Ephesians 5:11 also states Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.

After a great amount of prayer, I am doing just that.

Fiolleau details how she came to know Shelley Lubben in 2012.

We met in person in Los Angeles, California that May, when we were both guest speakers at an event. In fact, Shelley was the one that asked to have me speak at the event and purchased my ticket to fly there as well, because she said she really wanted to meet me. She had also expressed to me that she wanted me to make a video with her.

I noticed later that Shelley had posted photos of me on her website that in my opinion created the false impression that she had “saved” me.

After Shelley purchased my ticket, she reiterated several times for me not to tell a single soul that she had bought my ticket. Something wasn’t sitting right with me about this, and after you read the rest of this statement you may come to the conclusion that she may have not wanted me to say anything to anyone because she possibly might have bought my ticket with Pink Cross donor funds. (Shelley also told me she would pay me $200 — which I did not receive.) It is my understanding that this would not be the first time that there have been questions about how Pink Cross spends donor funds, as much of this is publicly accessible.

Pink Cross Foundation has recently removed copies of its tax returns from its website, but the group’s tax filings are available at: http://www2.guidestar.org/organizations/80-0142359/pink-cross-foundation.aspx

Fiolleau continues:

Once I arrived in Los Angeles, I finally met Shelley. All of the speakers got together at a restaurant to fellowship the night before the event. I noticed at the restaurant that Shelley was drinking wine, which may not be odd as people do drink wine with dinner, but Shelley claims she is alcoholic who has been healed of all her addictions. In fact this claim is the very foundation of her ministry:

“He has completely restored me. I am totally free from drugs, alcohol, bad memories, mental illness, sexual trauma, guilt from the past, and everything from the old life. He even healed me from the non-curable disease herpes,” Shelley told the 700 Club.

As that night continued, I noticed she literally chugged the last glass of wine in about 1-2 gulps before we left the restaurant. I also noticed her using vulger profanity quite freely and often.

I rode back to the hotel in Shelley’s truck along with her and two of her Pink Cross staff.  As I was sitting in the back seat behind Shelley, I noticed her take a prescription bottle out of her purse and take some sort of medication. This may have been innocent but it does coincide with the many complaints of people who have come forward to state they have witnessed Shelley abuse prescription drugs, including her own assistant and women supposedly in her care.

Fiolleau then describes in detail an occurrence that TRPWL reported on in 2013, regarding vandalism at the headquarters of Vivid Entertainment in Los Angeles:

On the ride back to the hotel, Shelley noticed that we were passing the headquarters of porn producers Vivid Entertainment. She then directed her assistant to pull into a fast food restaurant where she ran inside and came out with a large amount of paper toilet seat covers and mustard and catsup. In what I feel resembled a prescription drug and alcohol-induced frenzy, she ordered her assistant to pull over in front of the Vivid sign in front of the building and she proceeded to vandalize it by splattering the mustard and catsup and toilet seat covers all over it.

She then took two different tubes of lipstick, marked up the sign and signed “Love Shelley”. She posed in front of the sign in multiple “porn star” positions with her middle finger sticking up, as she had her peers take multiple photos of her very proud accomplishments of breaking the law and vandalizing private property. Shelley asked me many times to assist her in vandalizing the sign, which I declined.

A black Mercedes pulled up with three men in it who asked what was going on. Shelley walked up to the Mercedes, leaned into the window, and in a Jezebel spirit she squished together her breasts and seductively lied to the gentlemen in the car, saying, “Hi, I’m a porn star. I work here”. She was clearly being flirtatious, immodest and seductive in her behaviour toward these men as though she was trying to turn them on.

On a couple of occasions I tried to confront Shelley Lubben in private, and I did it according to scripture: Matthew 18:15 – If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.

Upon trying to confront Shelley Lubben in private she became very hostile toward me with a spirit of pride raising its ugly head and she also justified her actions by stating that Vivid founder Steven Hirsch deserved it because of all of the young girls lives he has ruined in porn. I told her that true agape love would draw someone to repentance, and that she should try to win pornographers to the Lord through love rather than attacking them. I explained to her that I have been able to convince pimps to stop pimping by teaching them God’s word and showing them God’s love. She wanted no part of it and wasn’t reasonable with me at all.

I have many pimps, porn stars and escorts as friends. As Corinthians 5:12 states: What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?  I do not judge those outside the church. However if Shelley claims to be in the church, I am within my biblical instructions to judge her according to God’s word.

Matthew 18:17 states: But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.

So I then followed this step by repeatedly asking Mrs. Lubben who her spiritual headship was. I asked her for the name of her pastor, which she continuously refused to give me after many attempts. I explained to her that I would like for she and I and both our pastors to have a group discussion about this incident and many others that have followed which you will see further on in this public statement.

Shelley refused to tell me whom her covering was.

Shelley Lubben

In her published statement, Fiolleau also reprints a long and fascinating email thread between herself and Lubben’s husband, former drug dealer Garrett Lubben.

I repeatedly asked them who their covering was and who were the legal board members, because Garrett and Shelley wanted me to fly to Bakersfield to confront them in their house with people they claim to be on the Pink Cross board. In reality, the so-called Pink Cross team wasn’t the staff listed as their board of directors on official documents. Those officers and directors were no longer with Pink Cross — they had left. They simply wanted me to sit in their living room with the new puppets they have brainwashed who are not independent board members… and Garrett Lubben still would not tell me who his covering was. This is because I believe Pink Cross to be a cult like Apostate Judas church that has no covering and does not want to be held accountable.

I later came to understand why Mrs. Lubben wouldn’t give me her pastor’s information and it was because she doesn’t have a pastor to hold her accountable. The Lubbens did not have a church at that time; they were on their own. I declined the Lubbens’ offer for my pastor and I to fly to Bakersfield since they had nobody holding them accountable. I felt we both needed unbiased spiritual headship to hold this meeting, to which the Lubbens would not agree.

Fiolleau recounts that, in June 2013, after she first went public with the truth about what Shelley Lubben had done that night in Los Angeles,

Michael Whiteacre posted photos of the damaged Vivid sign, autographed “Love Shelley” just as I described it, on a adult entertainment news site. Comments soon appeared slamming me as “a con”, accusing me of being one of the vandals, and noting that videos on the Save The Women YouTube channel contained some women who were associated with Lubben. These comments were traced to a Bakersfield, California IP address using The Lubbens’ ISP, and an email address which had been used to leave pro-Lubben/anti-Whiteacre comments on porn sites under the alias “justaxxxguy”….

Part of the reason I came forward was because, after former Pink Cross associates had come out against her, Shelley made these women (and men) out to be liars. However, I had personally witnessed the same behaviour they had reported. I believe the claims by ALL of these individuals against Shelley Lubben and The Pink Cross Foundation to be true and I have also had other members of Pink Cross contact me in fear of coming out due to her vindictiveness, stating that they were tired of covering for her and that she gets drunk daily — and according to their claims she has been in and out of rehab multiple times over the past two years. These are claims by past employees, one of whom in particular is a strong Christian and has recently stepped down.

Shelley Lubben continued attacking me and her “slanderers” online. When I responded on her Facebook “fan page”, my comment was removed immediately. Anyone who criticizes, or even questions Shelley Lubben on her public pages has their comments deleted. Only comments of the “Shelley, you’re me hero!” variety are tolerated.

Months earlier, Shelley had given me permission to put some of her videos on my channel, and I did so to get her more recognition and to raise awareness. Shortly after I spoke out against her, Shelley filed multiple false complaints against the Save The Women YouTube channel, alleging copyright infringement. Her complaints resulted in the channel being removed. If she truly didn’t want her videos on my channel she could have simply sent me an email to take them down, but she was was angry I had exposed her. With the channel went approximately 180 videos featuring of my interviews and resources for women in need.

It is my heart and my ministry to protect women who are victimized, and Isaiah 1:17: Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.

These women whom Shelley from Pink Cross seeks out are vulnerable and easy prey. Predators prey on the weak and the victimized; those who want to be loved and accepted. I firmly believe that Shelley Lubben re-victimizes them again and again in multiple ways.

Every time women come forward with negative stories about her, Shelley accuses them of being lying, mentally ill, demon-possessed porn stars who are on drugs, etc., and she uses her public platform to discredit them. Many Christians fall victim to Shelley’s lies because she is a “Christian” and these women’s voices aren’t being heard.

I will not stand by another day longer and have vulnerable women be victimized by Shelley and Garrett Lubben and Pink Cross Foundation, nor will I stand by and watch innocent donors be duped out of their cash for Shelley Lubben to victimize women and live a lavish lifestyle.

Fiolleau says that Lubben’s campaign against her and Save The Women International has been about as successful as Pink Cross’ efforts to get performers to leave the adult business — which is to say, it’s been a complete failure:

Since I have started to slowly come public with some of this information, Shelley has called organizations whom have me on as a regular guest speaker and tried to tarnish my credibility. She was shut down quite quickly for doing so.

But Shelley can’t say that I am doing this because I’m a drug addicted porn star. She can’t say I’m doing this because I am competing for donations because my charity currently isn’t accepting donations while on a sabbatical, and I am from an entirely different country.

I foresee an ongoing vindictive backlash from Shelley as this is what she does when anyone — even her own blood family — challenges her on her behaviour, but I am following my heart that is grieving for the many women and donors whom I believe she and her husband and organization have victimized, and I am doing exactly what my Lord has called me to do: “Take a stand for justice and stand up for the oppressed”.

My hopes are that Shelley Lubben will turn to Christ in all of her ways and what would make me truly happy is to see her shining for Jesus and waking in HIM in all of her ways. I want to see her shine and succeed in Christ. I love her very much. As the word says, “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”

Tania Fiolleau

The truth will out: another supporter flees Pink Cross Foundation

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  • This has all been known for years and yet Lubben remains a go-to source for AHF and Gail Dines' crew. Indeed, Lubben continues to enjoy favorable mainstream press despite her blatant scamming and vicious behavior toward those she claims to want to save when they fail to kowtow to her greed and egotism. No mainstream reporter has ever questioned anything about her or speculated as to her motives in the way they do routinely of any other "source" related to porn.

    She's had a mighty fine ride at the expense of one and all and if I believed in divine retribution, which I don't, I'd say the lightning bolt generator should be warming up about now.

  • Tania Fiolleau has posted this on Facebook:

    "Interestingly enough, Annie Lobert [of Hookers for Jesus] blocked me after I posted the public press release. Good to know. I welcome all opposition and attack that Shelley will throw my way because as long as it's on my watch, I will do what I can to make sure no more girls are hurt."

    Annie Lobert: another fraud who doesn't give a damn if women are exploited and donors are duped as long as the "movement" appears strong and the cash keeps rolling in. Ms. Lobert, you are scum, and congratulations! -- you just made our shit list.

    • Not surprising about Annie Lobert blocking you. She's a fraud just like Shelley! You know the old saying *Birds of a feather, they flock together!*

    • She looks better as a sheep. And as for the rest of these mountebanks and swindlers in the name of the lord, the more they squabble among themselves the better. They demonstrate their "Christian" principles with these flame wars for all to see.

  • I would no longer call Lubben a go-to source for AHF: during the Measure B campaign, AHF edited Lubben out of group photos they were using to promote "FAIR".

  • Why do you need donations to save women from porn?

    Dominique Simone left the porn industry and is now a RN. I noticed that Shelley Lubben goes after the porn actresses that aren't very well known. Why not go after the bigger names like Jessica Jaymes, Tori Black, & etc.

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