Strippers Predict Mayweather Over Pacquiao In “Fight of the Century” (PHOTOS)

Upscale gentlemen’s club Rick’s Cabaret New York is showing the eagerly anticipated bout between five-division world title holder Floyd Mayweather and eight-division champ Manny Pacquiao on Saturday, May 2nd. An unscientific survey reveals that the world famous Rick’s Cabaret Girls feel strongly that Mayweather’s going to win.

“Floyd’s gonna win in a knockout,” gushed Rick’s Cabaret Girl Tatyana. “I’ve met him and he’s really cute. Many of the other dancers agree with me. They love Floyd because he really knows how to party.”

“I’ve met Floyd too, and he’s a hottie, but I think Manny looks really good in the ring,” purred Rick’s Cabaret Girl Mona.

“Fight night is gonna be so awesome here,” cooed Rick’s Cabaret Girl Talia. “Everywhere you look there’s huge flat screen TVs. We’ve got so many VIPs coming. There’s gonna be athletes and celebrities everywhere — the newly redesigned 2nd Floor VIP Lounge, the Crystal Room, the outdoor screening party on the open-air Roof Deck. Rick’s Cabaret New York’s famous chef, Franklin Edwards, is making a special menu just for fight night. It’s gonna be VIP all the way, baby!”

Named “The #1 Strip Club in New York” by Playboy, Rick’s Cabaret is the club of choice for an upscale clientele drawn by its warm hospitality, beautiful exotic dancers and well-appointed setting. A magnet for New Yorkers as well as visitors from across the globe, the club is conveniently located across the street from the Empire State Building and just one block from Madison Square Garden.

*Note: As of press time, limited space may still be available the night of the fight. Please check http://www.ricksnewyork.com for the latest info.

Rick’s Cabaret New York

50 West 33rd Street
*** RICK: NASDAQ Listed
*** Over 100 Showgirls Daily
*** Three Floors of Luxury
*** VIP Private Suites, Deluxe Sky Boxes
*** Full Menu Steakhouse, Open Late
*** Roof Deck Cigar Lounge and Garden
*** Businessmen’s Lunch Special
*** Weekend Brunch
*** Home of the new “Midday” Bachelor Parties
*** New 2nd Floor VIP Lounge

Photos courtesy of Rick’s Cabaret NYC

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