According to a new piece of research by two American university professors, the more porn heterosexual men watch – the more it opens up their mind to be increasingly accepting of “non-traditional sexual situations”.
“Our study suggests that the more heterosexual men, especially less educated heterosexual men, watch pornography, the more supportive they become of same-sex marriage,” Indiana University Assistant Professor Paul Wright told The Washington Examiner.
“Pornography adopts an individualistic, non-judgmental stance on all kinds of non-traditional sexual behaviors and same-sex marriage attitudes are strongly linked to attitudes about same-sex sex.
“If people think individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to have same-sex sex, they will also think that individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to get married to a partner of the same-sex.”
The findings are based on America’s National Science Foundation-funded studies of 500 heterosexual men’s habits over the past six years.
Wright co-authored the report with Ashley Randall from the University of Arizona. He added: “Since a portion of individuals’ sexual attitudes come from the media they consume, it makes sense that pornography viewers would have more positive attitudes towards same-sex marriage.”
The professors also suggested that since lesbian porn “is quite popular among males,” the change seen in the men’s attitudes towards same-sex marriage suggests “a change in males’ attitude regarding male-male marriage”.
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