Sydney Leathers On Defining Boundaries & Voicing Discomfort

Men: when you are simply going to get food do you expect to be sexually harassed? Probably not. But as a woman, I know this can happen at any time. It’s a sad truth. It’s such a prevalent part of life that when I travel, I almost never wear makeup and I intentionally dress down because I genuinely don’t want to draw attention to myself. A guy won’t bother a fresh faced girl in a hoodie, right?! Wrong.

I guess it’s best to start from the beginning: I was in a world of travel hell last week. My flights kept getting canceled and I kept getting stranded in random cities. Last on the list was Charlotte, North Carolina. I had a solid four-hour layover there before my flight (which would inevitably be canceled, leaving me to book a crappy airport hotel room for the night) so I figured since I hadn’t eaten yet that day, I should get some food before my flight.

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