TRPWL’s Twitter Troll Rankings for May 2014 are out: Congrats to @Porncummunity for Earning the Top Spot

We here at TRPWL feel it’s time to honor Twitter trolls.

After much discussion, sometimes heated, we have decided to create an ongoing Twitter troll post. We will update this thread every week or so when the rankings change. Unlike Kelli Roberts fake pormstar ranking, we will use a 5 tier system to determine placings. In the event of a tie, TRPWL reserves the right to award tie-breaker points based the correct usage of the word “your”.

So, after many calculations, I bring you the top 5 twitter trolls based on trolls stats for May 2014.

#5 Alex Beltane– mostly because he won’t stop posting on PWL and texting me. Anytime a Donny Long or PWL Twitter account shows up, Beltane is on it faster than Foster at a wine buffet. This guy has at least 7 accounts he uses to follow his god Donny Long. Yesterday, he texted me to tell me that he was moving to LA to start a porn blog that would be way better then TRPWL. Keep in mind, he’s been harassing talent about his move in an effort to shoot content but the move to LA has been going on now for roughly 3 years.

#4 Alana Evans, openly harassing gays, crossovers, and anyone who disagrees with her, she earned top 5 ranking after spreading lies about untreated snake bites and a desire to breed with Mike South.

#3. Tucker Slain aka LA Soldier of KY. When not tracking girls on four square or any program with GPS and coincidentally showing up were their at, Tucker can be found trying to roofie newbs under the guise of a “content trade”, tweeting girls asking if they “got his text” or jumping in to a private convo trying to get a BBG going. Tucker, who is allegedly in the reserves obviously hasn’t read up on the military and what they think about porn…If this ranking was based on being a sexual predator, Tucker would be the National Champ forever

#2. Rick Mardrid, this guy spends his days using the airport’s free wifi pretending to be men and women all over the net. He’s had at least 11 twitters suspended in the last 7 days, and has been kicked out of a porn star’s gym. When not running from the AIRPORT police, Rick Madrid (or as his friends call him, Dasha), calls Mike South’s site home. Seems South is so hard up for commentors he allows Dasha to post as 5 different people. While not number one, Dasha is the worst troll ever, harassing the same 6 people with every account. If our list was based on pure stupidity, Rick Madrid would be number 1 and the rankings would never change.

#1. Porn Cummunity, this guy has about 75,000 tweets and half of them are spewing bullshit about ChristianXXX. Porncommunity talks about his love for the adult industry, but not only does he tweet PWL links, he posts there as well…

Porn cummunity is like Chris Evans, he likes to watch dicks, likes to eat pussy after some else’s dick has been in it, but can’t admit he’s BI. So like Chris Evans, he speaks negatively about anyone who he perceives to not be straight. Porn Community is so obsessed with CX3, he’s a candidate for a restraining order and at least a 30-day 5150 hold…

I’m pretty sure most of you are wondering why Donny and Monica aren’t on the list… Donny hasn’t tweeted in almost a month, and Foster is so scared of what Randazza is going to do to her, she shut down all her troll accounts. Of course, both will most likely show back up sooner or later….

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