Webmaster of UK Domme Directory ‘Professional Mistresses’ Arrested ‘For Tweeting’!

Webmaster of UK Domme Directory ‘Professional Mistresses’ Arrested ‘For Tweeting’!

A shocking post at Sex & Censorship —

This week saw draconian policing directed towards the dominatrix listing site, Professional Mistresses (NSFW). There can be little doubt this was done to “send a message”. UK censors seem to have a particular bee in their bonnet about BDSM, and also Twitter, for its defence of free expression, including sexual expression, regularly comes under attack from UK authorities and media.

Webmaster of Domme Directory 'Professional Mistresses' Arrested 'For Tweeting'!Webmaster of Domme Directory 'Professional Mistresses' Arrested 'For Tweeting'!

So it’s not too surprising that last Sunday, the webmaster for Professional Mistresses was arrested at his home, taken to his local police station, and questioned for two hours before being de-arrested. The arrest seemed to have been triggered following a complaint about the site’s tweets being “unsuitable for children”. It should be noted at this point that sending out tweets or any other communication “unsuitable for children” is not illegal!

As we know, THINK OF THE CHILDREN is standard fare for people wanting to ban legal things.


The webmaster explained in an email to his list:

“… late on Sunday afternoon, a marked police car attended my property and arrested me. The arrest was made by my local police force who had received a complaint from the Thames Valley police area, due to what they claim were tweets on the Professional Mistress twitter account, that was unsuitable for children (or that’s the excuse they gave). I spent 2 hours being interviewed before being de-arrested…

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