According to xbiz, former APAC member Verta wrote the complaint. hmmm
This reads right from the Porn Union play book. Out of the 12 talking points, 9 of them have been talked about publicly, and behind closed doors by the Porn Union.. While I’m not going to come right out and say im sure it was them, they have in the past, talked with Osha, and for those that don’t remember, signed on in support of the condom bill.
Scan Union founder felon Phyllisha Ann told me in a text she planed on “her union” working side by side with OSHA. Now, it wasn’t Phyllisha Ann, she’s too stupid and lazy to pull this off on her own, plus like Wyatt Earp once said, “there’s no money in it”..
No, it was someone else connected to the Union. The wildcard in all this is crackhead Melissa Hill, she spent days talking about go sees, but at the time this complaint was written, at least publicly, she was on a whole other topic. Not only that, but she hates APAG, this complaint asks OSHA to make FSC and APAG provide talent with Insurance. And the only way to get insurance thru APAG is to, you guessed it, pay money to join APAG.
Below is the talking points of the OSHA complaint, the full complaint can be found here.
1. Require Mindgeek Corporation to cover the cost of medical testing for all performers participating in any commercial production that may inevitably be viewed on any website owned by the company, or any of its subsidiaries, or any subsequent owners.
2. Require that Mindgeek, its subsidiaries, or its subsequent owners, ensure that condoms, lubrication, and any other PPE required by the bloodborne pathogens regulation are provided on any commercial set.
3. Require performers be tested within a 14-day period before performing for: HIV-1 HIV-2 qualitative or quantitative assay, HIV-1 and HIV-2 antigen testing, RPR or TREP-SURE syphilis assay, and urine tests, as well as oral and anal swabbing for trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea and mycoplasma genitalium. Performers requesting a shorter testing window (from 1 – 13 days) must be accommodated.
4. Require the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and the legally recognized adult entertainment union, Adult Performer Advocacy Guild (APAG) provide comprehensive health care plans to all members.
5. Require that all testing be executed by a lab certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), specifically through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). The labs should employ at least one licensed medical doctor at each testing facility, including draw facilities.
6. If the FSC continues to use the Performer Availability Screening Services (PASS). The Green Check Mark system must be amended to add an asterisk for on-set communication between all partners if performers have medical concerns (e.g. physical limitations, mental illness, seizures, HIV+ with an undetectable viral load, etc.), have been accused of any misconduct in official complaints, or have any other information that is pertinent to share with their scene partners. The asterisk indicates only that a conversation must happen between that performer and anyone they may work with. No third party, including producers, directors, or agents, may receive the test results of any performer. Performers are encouraged to share their test results privately before filming.
7. Establish a Cal-OSHA hotline specifically dedicated for adult film performers to make legally anonymous complaints.
8. All “go-sees” must be performed in a) an office or registered business location; b) groups not fewer than three
9. Prior to any commercial adult film production, a contract explicitly detailing the sex act to be expected on set must be sent directly to all performers involved. No third party may receive these contracts on behalf of any adult performer. Third parties may include, but are not limited to, agents, managers, romantic partners, or family members. These contracts are to be signed and paraphrased, with all performers present, on camera before each scene is filmed. The contract must include OSHA information. More details into what the contract should include can be found on page five.
10. Interracial sex scenes may no longer be viewed as a sex act.
11. All complaints received by Cal-OSHA shall be the responsibility of producers, not directors and not performers. Performers who are named in formal complaints must have an asterisk added to their PASS information, or its equivalent.
12. Production holds and moratoriums must be reported to Cal-OSHA immediately. A minimum 14-day abstinence from filming must be observed.
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