‘Liberal Ladies’ Group Holding Sex Strike: ‘If Our Reproductive Choices Are Denied, So Are Yours’
The women’s group “Liberal Ladies Who Lunch” is putting together an unusual event, which it is calling “Access Denied: Sex Strike.” The event, which is scheduled to take place between April 28 and May 5, features a poster saying “If our reproductive choices are denied, so are yours.”
The group describes their motivations on the event’s Facebook page, saying, “In truth, if we lose our hard won rights to medical care, birth control and pregnancy choice, it won’t only affect women. Men will have to go back to the days when they waited for or paid for sex. This issue impacts all of us. This strike is designed to make that point. Ask your man to speak up for your rights, because when we lose our reproductive choices, so do they.”
The group then gives a somewhat entertaining history of “sex strikes,” ranging from ancient Greece to modern-day Columbia:
In the ancient Greek play Lysistrata, the women of Greece go on a sex strike to end the decades-long Peloponnesian War. Since then, many women around the world have gone on similar sex strikes to keep their men in line.
[And in Colombia, in 2006] the girlfriends of gang members in one of the country’s most violent cities, Pereira — with a murder rate at the time of 97 per 100,000 people — held a ‘strike of crossed legs,’ giving their men the choice between giving up weapons or giving up sex. ‘We want them to know that violence is not sexy,’ said Jennifer Bayer, an 18-year-old girlfriend of a gang member.The outcome: In 2010, Pereira’s murder rate dropped by 26.5 percent, the steepest decline in the country.
Unfortunately for the “Liberal Ladies Who Lunch,“ who describe themselves as ”turning America blue, one plate at a time,” the comments section of the event seems to have been overtaken by conservatives.
One commenter put up a picture of Helen Thomas, commenting “Somehow, I’m OK with this.”
Other comments included:
Liberal Hypocrisy: Demanding the government stay out of your bedroom and your womb while at the same time demanding they pay for your birth control and abortions
Isn’t using sex as a bargaining tool contradictory with women wanting to be seen as more than just sex objects?
Just a question for the strikers. Do you support reproductive choice for men? Should a man be able to tell his pregnant girlfriend he doesn’t want to be a father and give up all responsibility for the child? Thanks for the response.
Liberal Ladies Who Lunch” has not yet responded to the fact that, among the most recent fifty comments, there doesn‘t seem to be a single one that isn’t mocking.
Combine this with the Roe Effect and liberals will be sexless AND childless
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