Women Engage in Revenge Porn, Say It’s Feminism, Art

A couple of weeks ago, a male friend sent me a message asking me what I thought about sexting, the act of sending sexually suggested images or messages over text. I responded that the consensual sharing of desire over any medium was a wonderful thing, but reminded him to take care to ascertain his playmates were trustworthy.

Revenge porn — the sharing of these images to an unintended, often public, audience without the sender’s consent — is a real phenomenon, one that has upended enough lives to engender legislation to curb the practice. In June, Anthony Cannella, a Republican senator, introduced a bill here in California to crack down on revenge porn by making it a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $1,000 and a month in jail. Bill 255, better known as the California revenge porn bill, passed the senate a week ago.

“People who post or text pictures that are meant to be private as a way to seek revenge are reprehensible,” Cannella said when he introduced the legislation, pointing out how little protection victims currently had. “This is a common sense bill that clamps down on those who exploit intimacy and trust for revenge or personal gain.”

Of course, Cannella’s bill requires that the revenge porn make it easy to identify the victim. The amendment to section 647 of the Penal Code currently reads:

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  • My opinion, It aint moral to post pics w/o a broads permission, but it aint illegal if she allowed the pics to be taken. I don't agree with posting a broads Facebook link, address, cell # etc. All that gonna do is keep more chicks from letting the creeps banging them take nude pics.

    • It takes two to tango. The guy taking the pics/video is just as responsible as the girl who consents to do it. Why is it only her fault and she should be the one at fault when she "allowed creeps" to take her pic? I agree that you shouldn't put her personal info online, that is just wrong, but you make it sound like she was "asking for it". Come on now!

      This can be a thorny area because it involves a lot of trust. When that trust is violated, it can be devastating.

      • Who is putting "fault" anywhere? Did you read what I said, or you just pick up words here and there then interject your own to suit your argument?

        I offer no further explanation. I stand my what I previously wrote.

    • I also want to add, to be fair, both men and women who do this do so at their own risk. If you know 100% you can trust the person taking explicit pics and videos of you, then go for it. Otherwise, no way.

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