‘The worst place in the world’ — James Deen Pens Scathing Review of Sydney’s Opera Bar

The Sydney Opera House is one of Australia’s iconic venues. Earlier today, however, adult film star and internet raconteur James Deen called its restaurant “the worst place on earth” following a recent trip there.

James Deen, the star attraction of Sydney’s health, sex and lifestyle exhibitionSexpo, uploaded a highly critical review of the popular locale – describing it as ‘the most god awful eatery in the existence of the universe’.
Deen had checked out the famous Opera Bar on a friend’s recommendation…. and it didn’t go very well. Deen didn’t hold back when describing what he called the worst food he has ever eaten in his life.
[I’d] rather have someone with dysentery shit into my eyes while i am forced to listen to hanson on repeat and sing creed. i rather lick the inside of a glory hole than have any of this bullshit excuse for “food” enter my mouth ever again. i rather send dick pics to my rabbi.
One is forced to admit, that’s a colorful review! He didn’t have very kind things to say about the way the restaurant is run, either:
the system of ordering was stupid. you went to a bar and told them what you wanted. then they stared at you when you said you haven’t chosen your seat yet. after that you are given a number and forced to wait for a hour before a server comes over and bitches at you for not telling them where you’re sitting EVEN THOUGH YOU ALREADY TOLD 4 DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!!!!!!
Apparently, things managed to get even worse when the food arrived:
then the food. oh my god the “food”. it was so bad. my steak tasted like salt that someone pissed meat juice on. it was so bad. the brussel sprouts were literally burnt to ashes. the risotto was actual soup. the pizza was basically grease on a cracker…. HOW DO YOU FUCK UP PIZZA!!!!!???? uggggg horrible.
Zero stars, would not recommend…
we actually had to leave and go to a different restaurant while i cursed their very existence and took off my pant. hands down the most god awful eatery in the existence of the universe.
This is the second angry spray over the Sydney Opera House in two weeks, after veteran actor John Malkovich labelled the acoustics of the tourist attraction as ‘hideous’.
Read Deen’s rant and see some reactions at his NSFW website.
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