Adult Performers: Please sign a letter opposing the ‘Condom Law’ AB 1576

Dear Performers,

Just a reminder, please take a moment to sign the petition opposing AB 1576.

AB 1576 requires much more than mandatory condoms as it recently has been amended to include “personal protective equipment.” Moreover, it will put the government in charge of testing protocols.

You can click here to sign the petition.

AHF claims this lot speaks for adult performers

AHF purports to speak for the adult performer population. We understand that AHF does not speak for performers just as we understand that FSC doesn’t speak for performers. That is why we are asking you to sign onto a petition as an individual — speaking for yourself.

If you prefer to write a letter directly to legislators, here is the address:

Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media
1020 N Street, Room 152
Sacramento, CA 94249

Whether you sign the petition or write a letter, the time to act is NOW. Let your voice be heard.

Thank you!

Free Speech Coalition

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  • And so the fall begins ...

    I've signed the petition and so should everyone else. AHF has a board of directors and sooner or later they're going to want something from him - a letter of resignation.

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