More on the Chong Kim scandal — A few words with James Barnes of Breaking Out

More on the Chong Kim Scandal -- A few words with James Barnes of Breaking Out

Report by Christina Parreira —

Wednesday, fresh on the heels of serial fabricator Somaly Mam‘s resignation from her eponymous anti-sex trafficking group, we reported on the story of Chong Kim, the so-called human trafficking survivor who has been accused of being a liar, thief and fraud by the nonprofit anti-trafficking group, Breaking Out.

Chong Kim’s “life story” had been the basis of the film, Eden.

Artwork for the film, ‘Eden’

Thursday, I spoke with James Barnes, founder and president of the anti-human trafficking nonprofit, Breaking Out Corporation, via telephone.

“I’m not a ‘yes man’”, he stated, and went on to explain his background as a Private Investigator, the recent beginnings of his organization, its involvement with Chong Kim, and his thoughts on sex work.

Breaking Out Corporation is currently unfunded, and doing work using money out of the founder’s own pocket.

Self-described sex-trafficking survivor Chong Kim approached Barnes to work with his organization, telling him of her time as a “former Madam.” Given her background (if taken at face value), she seemed like a good person to send in to speak to possible victims.

Barnes says that Kim’s speaking fee is quoted as $5,000.

Chong Kim began to work with Breaking Out, and Barnes began quietly doing some background research on Kim’s story.

He explained that Kim was gaining popularity in the movement, and began to note that when other anti-trafficking groups and individuals spoke out against Kim, they were quickly “dragged through the mud.”

Barnes and I discussed the lack of external validity to Kim’s claims — why are there no news stories on her case? No arrests? These are questions that I have had since I first saw Kim speak in Las Vegas in February. This lack of evidence bothered Barnes too.

Chong Kim had told Barnes that the trafficking ring that abducted her is still operating, yet, when Barnes’ offered to help find them, she turned him down.

Keep in mind that Breaking Out is a new venture for Barnes; he has been a Private Investigator for almost 15 years and has done international rescues. Why on earth would Kim decline his offer of help? If you were trafficked and victimized, wouldn’t you want your captors to finally be apprehended? What about the other victims?

Speaking of which…where are those other victims? Has anyone ever heard a single world from them? Food for thought…

Barnes has been in contact with another journalist and there is talk of a live interview on the way. We will continue to cover the story as it develops.

For her part — Kim has gone on the attack on Facebook:


Strangely missing from her online rants, however, is a shred of objective proof of any of her wild claims

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, Ms. Kim. Where is yours?

So, on to my favorite topic: What does Barnes, the founder of an anti-trafficking organization, think of sex work?

Barnes does not mince words: “I’ve done rescues in Costa Rica; I have worked with victims of human trafficking.”

“When you have seen the real victims, you know the difference between consenting sex workers and victims.”

On the topic of sex work and trafficking, Barnes went on to explain his views on the United States’ flawed law enforcement system; “Law enforcement needs the numbers, so they pick up a girl off the street, a prostitute, and they call her a trafficking victim. She’s one more number.” Barnes is referring to “numbers,” as in those needed as evidence by anti-trafficking groups in order to obtain millions of dollars in grant money.

Barnes and I spoke of the real problem of human trafficking internationally and in the US, and both agreed that the continued conflation of sex work and sex trafficking is of help to absolutely no one. Actually, that isn’t quite accurate; the conflation does help the anti-trafficking groups who are pocketing millions per year off of the backs of arrested sex workers.

The beauty of this brief interview with Barnes is that he vocalized ALL of this immediately without any prompting. Finally, someone on the anti-trafficking side who seems to understand the difference between consensual sex and slavery. More of this, PLEASE!

It appears that Barnes is well aware of the risk that comes with outing a potential fraud in the anti-trafficking community; the vultures are soon to strike. Watch out — here comes Polaris Project!  Thankfully, Barnes decided to investigate the suspicious details (or lack thereof) in Kim’s past, all of which are certain to come to light.

Many thanks to James Barnes, who took the time to speak to me today and to validate/recognize the differences between sex work and slavery. In the vast wasteland of anti-trafficking frauds and crooks, this feels like a small light of hope.

PS – If ANYONE charges $5000 for a speaking engagement, do yourself a favor and be sure to run a thorough background check before inviting them to speak at an event. Ouch.


UPDATE: Among Ms. Kim’s most vociferous supporters on the Breaking Out Facebook page is a young woman named Morgan Stacy.

Stacy is an acolyte of Shelley Lubben — a disgraced fraud who runs a an anti-sex work./anti-porn sham non-profit called Pink Cross Foundation.


Stacy is in fact a member of Pink Cross. Talk about damning praise…

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  • Very good article, however I want to clarify not all law enforcement is wrong as I have had privilege of working with some fine officers. Also I would love opportunity for Ms Kim to clarify to me and everyone about stories and misgivings she is being accused of.. I am not the only one with these questions and I don't know how I can not know whole story in 3 years. All I know is what she has told us ...

    • James- thank you so much for clarifying that, and for your time today! I agree with you regarding Ms. Kim; I'm sure she will be offered many opportunities to publicly clear her name...or whatever it shall be. She claims that you are lying, and so now in my opinion it is up to her to come forth with her truth. If she's telling the truth, it should be easy, right? She has made many, many claims over the years and there are several unanswered questions. I do not think it's the least bit unreasonable for people to want answers, especially given that there really is no external information regarding this case.

  • There is a HUGE difference between what this woman from Pink Cross is talking about vs. what people like James Barnes and myself are talking about. I get calls every day from people telling me they either want help to get out of sex work or they are sex trafficking victims who need help. It's not my place to decide whether I "believe" them or not. Yes I sometimes get people calling us who are just delusional. Sometimes perceptions change. I've had people calling in who swear they were not forced to do what they did. However, after some time off drugs and in safety blocked memories will come forward and they then realize they were in fact trafficked. My own perception about my time in the industry changed after I was able to break away from the brainwashing the "family" who sucked me into the "game" changed over time as I examined it from another viewpoint. I also found out more information about what happened to me after it happened that changed the way I looked at it. All of that doesn't matter to us however when someone calls and says they want help and they want to come to one of our meetings. We don't judge anyone as to the "validity" or "non-validity" of their claim about their past because we state at the beginning of every meeting that we "don't care where you came from, who you worked for, or what you did before coming to this program" because all we care about is "what your problem is today and how we can help". So we don't sit there and judge anyone's story about what happened to them as "true" or "not true". What our purpose is when they call us is to help them either go through the transition process of leaving sex work or to help them break free of trafficking.

    However, what is going on with Chong is different. She went out and started raising money using my name and said to people the money was to go to our work. Then she pocketed the money and told me that the people did not donate. I found out about it when people called me stating they had in fact donated and accused me of running off with the money. To protect myself from being charged with fraud - I had to tell the donors the truth in that I never received that money. Now when her story started falling apart to me - yeah you're right - so what? But when she's going out raising up donations to help trafficking victims and the money is going into her pocket - that's a problem. She's ripping people off - yeah that's a problem.

    Then when people find out she was lying - guess what happens then? It makes it three times harder now for real groups and real programs and real survivors to be able to raise money because people have been burned. Then it makes it even harder for "real" survivors to tell their story because people then start saying to me "well why aren't you NICE like Chong Kim". Isn't a con artist's tool in trade that he charms you and that you like them and trust them? Isn't that the way they make money? When I'm out there talking about this issue I'm not trying to con anyone! So I'm not out trying to charm people into liking me so they'll cut a check! The con artists however are. So when a real survivor comes out to tell their story - I'm being held up to the standard of a con artist and told that I need to act more like her? I'm trying to get away from that world! If I wanted to go and con people for money I'd go back into prostitution!

    When I went out speaking - I made sure I could back up my story because I knew people wanted to tear it apart so they could tear apart my story meant they could then walk away and do nothing to help other victims. So I laid my criminal record out there for people to see I wasn't lying. Otherwise, people are going to say "see this is just another con" and then walk way leaving real victims with no help. That's the harm. It's not that Chong Kim lied about her story. It's about that she's conning people out of money, she's draining resources from real groups with real victims, and she's creating a false image of what a real survivor is which makes it harder for real survivors to get up and tell their story. Why is she doing this? Show me one victim she's worked with. One. I've asked her to go with us on outreach projects - and she's refused. I've asked her to come speak to survivors - and she refuses. I've asked her to come with me to help some survivors - and she's refused. That's when I started to have doubts about her story because real survivors know there's others out there who need help and jump in to help when asked. I've scoured the interviews - and I don't see where any victims have received any help from what she's doing either. In therapy yes you have to accept that person at face value about their story and you don't demand they "prove" it. But this isn't therapy when she's out there using her story for money. That's when it's fraud and criminal.

    • And yet despite all those unanswered questions and all the doubts raised by this person's unwillingness to actively participate in your activities you continued to let her use her charm, of which you're now so dismissive, to get media attention and contributions for your cause.

      Again, as with AHF, I say show me a person's means and I can guess their ends easily enough.

      Now you're throwing off on this con artist who betrayed you here, of all places, asking yourself no questions at all about how this situation came to be such an embarrassment and a handicap to your goals. None of this is your responsibility at all. You were under no obligation to vet this woman because you don't question self-identified victims, even when they're out representing you to the public.

      Is this the behavior of the tough, street-smart person you describe yourself as being, or is it a cynical acceptance of someone you suspected of being a fraud who was useful until the fraud was exposed, followed by a claim of further victimization and lamentations about the damage done to your cause.

      A little due diligence and some degree of transparency are not unreasonable to want from people importuning us to support their organizations.

      I'm not sure who all bears blame in this situation but I'm always wary of those who come forward to insist none of it falls on them. Credulity is not an asset in a community activist, and I speak from some pretty rough experience here myself as others will attest, but it's certainly forgivable. Less so would be a calculated avoidance of obvious red lights in order to benefit from hitching a ride with a dubious driver.

  • I've never described myself as a tough street smart guy first off , second I do take responsibility third how dare you say I'm doing this for publicity or money? Ha! We don't have any funding nor plan on getting any through this? Fame? This is not how we want fame we let our successful cases speak for themselves if up to us we'd have private funding and never be in public eye .. we never rode her back , we gave more alot more than ever received in fact we never received as much as a mention in all fundraisers interviews and speeches she has held all while making money that we congratulated her on thinking she was doing right thing.. we gave money to her and did all we could to help her with airline tickets etc. . So please don't assume you know our motives because if anyone really knew our goals and motives they'd be congratulating us for risking everything to get the integrity back in this cause so we could all go back to work and do wjat we set out to do which is help, prevent and rescue victims out of the hell of Human Trafficking

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