New details about Chong Kim from Breaking Out’s James Barnes

Jun 9, 2014
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New details in the strange case of “trafficking survivor” Chong Kim

Posted Monday on Breaking Out’s Facebook page:

Through all the talk we would like to address some of the questions and concerns regarding Chong Kim.

New details about Chong Kim from Breaking Out's James Barnes

We have known her for over 4 years she has been a director for at least 3. Breaking Out is made up of former law enforcement, Licensed PIs, and current law enforcement whom support us.

The inconsistencies of her story we were all told initiated us to do a background check which we hadn’t done because we did not want to re-victimize a victim. That policy will change.

The check of employment history, address history, social security records as well as criminal history, has not lined up with what she told us as well as what was written in her book.

I also wanted to know what victim going through the tragedy she has claimed would not want her trafficker or trafficking ring to be stopped. We have the means to do this and have offered this for her safety. [In] our experience, a[n] organized crime ring would not be happy with her going around the country speaking about them.

We would also like to know why she would claim her first husband was killed by her traffickers when he is currently alive and well.

Originally we were told she was enslaved for 7 years and rose up to become a madame (i think everyone can see why that would be [of] interest in a organization like ours). However we were shocked to see, when Eden was released and we read her book, that changed to two years.

Now I ask again, I never heard of a victim rising up to madame within two years of captivity not when you can still make them money, but if true why tell us 7 years?

Again I’m going by survivors in our organization — hasn’t Chong ever seen a therapist for the tragedy she went through? We offered to send her if she needed to. We have survivors of sexual assault who are still seeing therapist after 20 years; its just a question I have had.

Why has she failed to mention a felony charge [of] theft by swindle in 2009 that she was convicted of? However currently [Kim] claims she escaped in 90s so again this couldn’t possibly have anything to do with her being a victim.

Where are all the prostitution charges and drug charges she claimed the corrupt police gave her while she was captive? How about the politicians and “A” list celebs she claimed were traffickers or customers in the warehouse she claimed to be held in? I always wondered where the other victims were she claimed she was with, to verify this?

We will be checking on the names she has told us as well as other organizations to try to verify.

How come being a director of a legit non profit has she never wanted us to hear her speak or contribute to us anything as much as a name mention when she knows we have showed results in this cause, gave her money, assisted her in anything she needed. I still havent found the records of her son burning her house down trying to kill her? Again this is what she told us and recently.

Why didnt she take our offer of helping her get her own 501c3? But she rather have used ours? Why has she claimed she has these meetings with celebrities but ask us for the money for the airline ticket? Could the celeb not afford one for her?

These [are] just some of the questions,concerns, and lies we were told.

You can doubt us, badmouth us however anyone who knows us will tell you we are a honorable organization who always does what we say we will do, we have results of successful cases,and we have done this without funding thus far. We only want to do the right thing for everyone and this is a distraction for everyone involved away from our work and our mission statement.

I have been trying to not post the results of BG checks etc [out of] respect for Chong Kim however I will have to if left with no choice, to protect our integrity

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Jody Williams
10 years ago

I’ve been wondering why this group is so quick to bash her after all this time. Why now? I wrote them TWO YEARS AGO about Chong’s fraudulent statement on their website – demanding it be taken down. They immediately reacted by threatening me with lawyers – when it was them who had the false statement up above the button “donate here”. They did take it down – but then never asked me a question about Chong. They never asked why I had her speak on the panel with me in 2008 about “Trafficking in Nevada” yet why I was no… Read more » - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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