Porn Star Boob Jobs: Before & After

Oct 11, 2011
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We are gonna try and give you tits, Before & After every #Titty Tuesday… So if you have any suggestions please email us or comment on he thread..

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Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago

And the winner is … Alektra Blue

13 years ago

Sucks…. Very few are an improvement.

13 years ago

Poor Amia. I think that is the definition of a Broken Toy. The hack job surgery is surely a disconnect from the beautiful, innocent, little girl whose soul must have died on the lap of an uncle or in the clutches of a drunken step dad.

13 years ago

personally, i have never understood the hype surrounding retail boobs. they look so fake. sure, some are worse/better than others…but pretty much you can tell as soon as you see them. i guess if i had to choose, i would agree with whiteacre. alektra blue’s look the least fake of this group…but they still look fake. aletta ocean’s look the most fake.

13 years ago

really am i that easy to please?? i think half of these jobs are gorgeous!! i want to know who their surgeons are so bad… fake tits are great tits!!! i say alektra’s tied with sophie dee and rebeca & jenna tied for second. i don’t think fake looks bad at all!!!!! …except on amia. poor amia indeed 🙁

13 years ago

What really makes me sad about Amia, is that she’s only like 21(?). She should have waited till the 30 y/o wall or when the bookings started drying up to do the hack job. Her and Aletta had gorgeous lil tits.

13 years ago

Q: Why do these girls ruin themselves?
A: Brainwashing
B. Self-esteem issues
C. Inability to see reality
D. Equally stupid men
E. All of the above.

9 years ago

E.. all of the above and then some you forgot.

13 years ago

All of these girls are attractive in both pictures, but…
In my opinion Aletta & Amia looked better before the implants
Sophie, Brook, Alektra better after.
Dylan, Jenna & Rebeca look good both/either way.
Alanah & Melissa look like they should’ve gone to a better doctor. Not terrible implants or anything, but just too far apart.

13 years ago

I have to disagree with you Cindi. Only one that is still attractive after is Rebecca, because she was one of the hottest before, and she didn’t butcher her pretty face.

In closing, I can’t wait until this is on the second page, because every time I see Aletta’s pics, I get more depressed.

Drinkenly Signed,
Atleast I’m not Monica’s Bitch

13 years ago

I’d hump every one of them! not saying much I know, but still they all look great. It doesn’t seem like Aletta Ocean only had boobs done. Her whole look changed. I think the picture of Amia isn’t a good one. I’ve seen other pictures that are more flattering and the new hooties look better. She’s got a tight tummy, that’s hot 🙂

13 years ago

so you’re a equal opportunity humper? potential humpees are treated equally…how very pc. haha

13 years ago

It’s a shame. So many lovely racks ruined by idiotic fake tit obsession. Fake tit doctors should be hanged.

13 years ago

after reading more of these comments, i’m kinda wishing i could post a pic of my tits here and find out whether people would vote to hack them or leave them before i go under the knife!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Beth

Don’t even consider it. Hope it’s not too late to save you, lol.

Bob Jones III
Bob Jones III
11 years ago

Is it just me, or does every one of these girls look worse after her boob job?

9 years ago
Reply to  Bob Jones III

Its not just you…..

Goldstein Army
Goldstein Army
11 years ago


10 years ago

Bigger is ALWAYS better. Therefore it follows that all the after pics are better. The truth has been spoken.

10 years ago
Reply to  guyl

Says the guy with the tic tac cock!

10 years ago
Reply to  Bryce

You sure got a thing about dick don’t you asshole?

10 years ago

Always better after 😉


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alat bantu pria
alat bantu pria
10 years ago

Great web site.

10 years ago

Don’t know why women won’t to ruin their body’s in such a bad way. Never seen a better after photo & bet I never will. Plastic surgeons should be shot! They are a disease on the world. They should stick to only helping those that need it, such as burn victims. It would take a very shallow person to put a woman down for having what nature gave her. All of those girls where hunnies till the sad day they went fake & plastic. & NO, they still don’t look like Barbie. If men want fake, get a blow up… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Bryce

This is a total shithead right here. Look how much this asshole wrote and nobody gives a damn what he thinks, LOL.

9 years ago
Reply to  guyl

“Bigger is ALWAYS better”?! Wow guyl, you sound like such an asshole!!! It’s not us small-breasted girl’s faults that we were born like this :/ such an ass.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bee

Dear Bee stings for tits: You’re right it’s not your fault you were born that way but these girls were smart enough to do something about it. Nasty cunts like you are the type that like to complain rather than solve a problem. I hate bitches like you.

9 years ago
Reply to  guyl

You’re a disgusting piece of shit guyl.

9 years ago
Reply to  guyl

actually you seem to have it reversed no one cares about your commentary. .. sadly you seem to feel women are nothing but for your big tit objectification fantasies and you are evidently uber shallow and somewhat of a troll that likes to lash out when folks disagree.. now go ahead. give it your best shot. LMAO.

9 years ago
Reply to  2rodgee

Don’t need to “give it my best shot”. Nobodies are not worth responding to. Go watch your “average” porn and leave the better stuff to the rest of us.

9 years ago

Is there no middle ground in this? They all went from sexy normal or average to cartoonishly huge and absurd. The exception being Amia, but then she fucked up her lips. What is it about fishlips? Who on this earth finds them even remotely sexy? When I watch porn, and that’s frequently, I lol at these gals that have been apparently convinced tits the size of their head are somehow sexy. While im at it, what ever happened to Tight firm asses? Its like the lips n tits, industry seems to be leaning toward bulbous over sized very disproportionate ones.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  2rodgee

You think these are “cartoonishly huge”? You don’t get to see much porn do you? LOL. Like I said you just keep watching your average porn, whack off, & think life is great. What a loser!

9 years ago

“said you just keep watching your average porn, whack off, & think life is great. What a loser!”

A guy telling other people they are losers for not jerking off to the right porn. Shouldn’t you be out molesting elementary school kids in your Doritos-stained shirt? Seems like that would be your only true ability to pick up a girl. Literally “pick up”.

9 years ago

Also, you spent over a year replying in the comments section to one page. Must really be out there in the world, gettin’ laid and making a difference. You’re a true loser.

9 years ago

Brook Banner is fuking amazin

8 years ago

Literally all of them looked better before getting the boob job. Oh my word, why did they do this to themselves? I guess it’s their bodies, so it’s their decision. Their decision that most certainly did not turn out for the better.

7 years ago

Its sad the way these girls ruin themselves like that. Most were better before. They all get the same nose and the boob jobs like like shit. WHo does them? Makeshift clinic behind the Valley Walmart?

7 years ago

With exception to guyl the Barbie doll molester, most people seem to think the girls were all fine before their hack jobs. I’d agree. Not one of them needed it, and they all looked better before. It’d be interesting to ask these girls if they’d rather have a real diamond, or a big ass plastic fake one & see what the most common answer would be.

6 years ago

What IDIOTS convince these lovely women they need fake boobs? I think they look h\hideous. They were fine naturally.

6 years ago

I will never understand – even if you explain it to me – why you’d want two halved cantaloupes shoved into your chest….and there’s not supposed to be a foot – twelve inches – between your boobs. Proof that some surgeons are in it only for the money.

6 years ago

Worst thing Rebecca Linares could have done!

no boobs is better then fake
no boobs is better then fake
6 years ago

Guyl.. do you even know how does fake boobs/boob job makes out of?..go watch in google..if these girl can fake their body, then they can fake anything..

6 years ago

Is this still the most viewed post on the site? Would be interesting to know the top 5.

July Carter
July Carter
6 years ago

this is so terribly sad! Every single one of these girls were so beautiful before the boob jobs. They look so fake afterwards. The boobs are just ugly to me and so unnatural. Hope they all find a way to love their selves before its too late.

5 years ago

Majority were 9 or 10s before, 4s after. Tragic!

4 years ago

I think Aletta Ocean is exaggerating the case with plastic surgeries

1 year ago

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