Dear Steve Holmes, I’m pretty Sure Whitey Isn’t Allowed To Use The N-Word On Twitter @OcModeling

Steve Holmes, a “German” performer dropped this gem on twitter:


I thought you Germans were a proud and loving people? better hope the thieves over at BIPOC don’t see this tweet. it could lead to increased micro-grants for Sinnamon Love’s light bill


There’s only one white man who can pull off the use of the N-word.. And you aint him


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Red Reddington:

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    • Do any of these work:

      Quotation Marks

      We use quotation marks with direct quotes, with titles of certain works, to imply alternate meanings, and to write words as words.
      Block quotations are not set off with quotation marks.
      The quoted text is capitalized if you're quoting a complete sentence and not capitalized if you're quoting a fragment.

      I can delete if it takes away from the overall awesomeness of the opus :)

  • Steve should've owned his own studio by now, platform at least. Don't end up being forced out by limp dick a nitis, happens to many great performers.

  • Holmes is my on da fo realz Neg-grow...and he gets a pass for using the N word correctly in context...Curious as to its use and censorship...Not a single thing racial or racist...The GERM gets tio live to hate another day- Shee-ot motherfucker apparently is even listening to urban music made by POC-

  • Am I the only one that sees the irony in the Jews Love Black Cock image? LOL Fuck Steve Holmes, as an abusive asshole, like most euro guys

        • Like YOU do, ex-con? How many people of color do you call out in your retarded posts?

          Still need to approve my comments, butt boy in prison?

          STILL bothered like a girl, BIPOC COLLECTIVE which you do not understand, KKK? Like CHILD SUPPORT, you loser?

          WHAT IS this blog for, racist? And WHEN will you get the permission of anyone to post shit about them, you creep who cannot pay child support for the children your tiny dick made, you murderer. Also, retard, when a "case" is closed why does the rumored bad article get deleted you fairy coward?? Still hoping to wake up as a female bitch? Why doesn't Twitter update for wannabe girls like yourself asshole faggot? IF WE CAN READ THIS ON TWITTER LIKE YOU DO FAGGOT FAIRY, WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS SHIT STAIN SITE? TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN, FAGGOT. GET A PAYING JOB YOU FAIRY OF A LOSER. Why do you need to PAY $10,000 dollars every time you miss a parole officer meeting, your fucktard who pays NOTHING to your ignored children? How many times have you done this, and WHO paid your fine, little fag fairy?

          Still using Twitter only, you retard? When you FAIL GRADE school that's what happens, liar criminal.

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