Categories: Politics

LA condom law could push porn biz to Arizona

PHOENIX (CBS5) – A condom controversy could push the adult film industry to move some operations out of southern California, and some believe Arizona stands to gain a piece of that business, like it or not.

Taryn Thomas

The city of Los Angeles has passed a measure requiring porn stars to use condoms if they are shooting within city limits.

Not everyone in the industry is happy about it. Some say viewers don’t want to see a condom during a steamy sex scene. Others believe the government is overreaching.

“As a performer, I prefer the government isn’t in there inspecting my genitalia all the time,” said Taryn Thomas, an adult film star currently based in Phoenix.

Thomas said with the Arizona Porn Star Ball convention happening in Tempe next month, she and many others believe filmmakers will be looking for opportunities to make movies in Arizona.

“Over the three or four days, the companies and performers are here, they’re definitely going to be scoping out Arizona,” said Thomas.

Health advocates defend the law, saying it will protect performers from STDs.

“Everyone has a role to play to end the unsafe working conditions in this industry,” said Michael Weinstein, of AIDS Healthcare Foundation, in a press conference last month that was covered by a CBS 5 affiliate station.

“We are some of the most tested people in the world,” said Thomas. “I think I can speak for most of the performers. We’re not anti-condom. We’re pro-choice.”

CBS 5 News also contacted the Arizona Commerce Authority. They had no comment.

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  • Lotta hot young bitches first turn up on sites outta Zona. I say make the move and don't tell the washed up whores and mopes. Most of em won't move that far from their dealers anyway.

  • I do think porn will relocate. I don't think it will be Phoenix, however -- especially with Sheriff Arpaio arresting anyone that even looks at someone wrong. Since porn is officially a felony in Arizona (and 48 other states) I certainly don't think they are in the running for any large porn company. I think porn will stay in California for its legal protections. San Francisco/Marin County is the logical new home for porn as they have welcomed porn for over 40 years now already. When LA was arresting everyone who even muttered the word porn in the 70's and 80's SF was permitting porn as it would any mainstream film. I predict that porn companies will move to San Francisco by the end of the year, moving companies and SF/Marin will be rolling in millions of dollars in new revenue whereas LA will be moaning that they can't even meet payroll.

  • To so affectionately say her name no less than 18 times in a single reply to her. For her to put forward just the idea of you both dining out together at an exotic desert location, under the bright moon and star lit sky. Nobody needs to be capable of love in the real world in order to fantasise about such a forbidden romantic encounter. She says her flesh wants to fight you but it is actually her flesh that desires you, and her religion is her excuse to fight it. If only she could bring you around to her way, as that is what she wants. And vice versa. Through all her faults, your affections see something in her that is considered salvageable. Something redeemable.

    • You're speaking of Shelley Lubben. I can't speak to her secret, forbidden desires, because she is batshit crazy, but I can honestly tell you I'd rather tick needles in my eyes.

      • I would personally rather you stick needles in Shelley's eyes than your own. I can also think of a few things to do with her eight foot "staff" (or is it staph as in an eight foot deep boil on her ass that really needs to be lanced).

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