Mistress Eva Talks Sex, Money and Power at Sugar & Spice Virtual Sex Festival

International lifestyle domme and BDSM trainer Eva Oh, aka Mistress Eva, will be joining an extraordinary lineup of sex educators and industry professionals for a Sex, Money and Power panel discussion Saturday, August 8, 7:00-9:00pm MYT.

Eva will join Malaysia’s Queen of Comedy Joanne Kam and dominatrix, alternative model and avant-garde artist JOYEN on the Zoom platform for conversations about the power dynamics in stand-up comedy and humiliation play, demystifying love, sex, and sex work and their Asian heritage, as part of the First Annual Sugar & Spice Virtual Sex Festival.

“Participants are encouraged to chime in by typing in their comments and questions live, and the panelists will react if they deem these worthy,” says Eva of the event. “If these aren’t worthy, then you can send them a lovely tip, and then maybe that will change their minds.”

The Festival delves into the Asian communities’ relationships, preferences and attitudes about sex, with positive messages and learning opportunities through empowering talks, workshops, guided meditations, dance, breath work and yoga.

“By having a virtual experience, the Sugar & Spice Sex Festival will offer attendees the chance to connect with others and learn about – and get comfortable with – the pleasures of sex and sexual wellness,” adds Eva.

“We are excited to come together on a worldwide stage and unite in this unique online community to teach, learn, grow and, most of all, enjoy ourselves as we continue on this amazing sexual and spiritual journey.”

To learn more about the Sugar & Spice Virtual Sex Festival and the informative Sex, Money and Power panel, visit SugarandSpice.asia.

Find out more about Eva Oh / Mistress Eva at:

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