Pennsylvania woman tried to frame hubby with child porn

Meri Jane Woods, 42, sparked the child pornography investigation when she went to Pennsylvania State Police and said her husband sexually abused children. But investigators later determined that Woods installed the graphic images on the computer after her husband moved out of their Cherry Hill Township home.

A Pennsylvania woman was busted for putting child pornography on a home computer in a failed bid to get her estranged husband arrested, state police said.

Meri Jane Woods, 42, sparked the investigation last August — when she strolled into a state police barracks in the town of Indiana to report her husband had sexually abused children, authorities said.

Woods, of Cherry Hill Township, also told investigators that her unidentified husband had downloaded several images of the abuse on their home computer.

But troopers soon found that all of the lewd files on the computer were installed just three days before Woods went to the police. The probe also found that Woods’ husband, Matthew Woods, had moved out of the home the month before.

Woods was charged with a felony count of sexual abuse of children for having a computer with the graphic child porn images on it. She was also hit with 40 counts of lying about alleged abuse involving her husband.


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