Pornhub Just Purged All Unverified Content From the Platform

Pornhub is removing all videos on its site that weren’t uploaded by official content partners or members of its model program, a fundamental shift in the way one of the largest porn sites in the world operates. This means a significant portion of its videos will disappear.

“As part of our policy to ban unverified uploaders, we have now also suspended all previously uploaded content that was not created by content partners or members of the Model Program,” according to Pornhub’s announcement. “This means every piece of Pornhub content is from verified uploaders, a requirement that platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Twitter have yet to institute.”

Pornhub said the videos will be removed pending verification and review, and the verification process will begin in the new year. Prior to this change, anyone could create an account on Pornhub and upload any video they wanted to, since the platform’s launch in 2007.


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  • Good for them, who gives a fuck. I hope they rot in hell anyway. All the performers who had their content stolen and still supported them, pure idiots. All started with Manwin and steamrolled from there. It was virtually impossible to get them to take your stuff down back in the day. Now, if you look at them pissed off and they will pull all your shit down immediately. Like scared dogs. I have been laughing to the bank every time I send off a mass DCMA and watch them just fly off the tube sites. I have been DCMA'ing like a meth addict on a bender the last few days and down they go, and the ones who don't I contact the host and boom, down they go. Again, hope they rot in hell. Of course they wont, but a girl can dream. They will always steal your content, problem with the tube sites is they put it out right in front of everyone and make it so simple even I wouldn't pay for porn. Again, all you dipshits who supported them and are now crying. boo fucking hoo. Careful who you do business with.

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