PWL Offer..
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sensible people know that you don't own pwl, never have, never will, and had no vested interest in it other than taking it down. you accomplished that. I think most people are grateful, as they should be.
however, a handful of people seem to feel the need to manufacture information and/or misinformation to suit an agenda created in their [apparently] delusional minds. there's not a lot anyone can do about that - without creating disharmony.
the people who matter know the truth.
My offer stands, $37.00 I think it was. I'll throw in a 12 of Milwaukee's Best, to help sweeten the deal. Cans of course, I don't think they market that swill in bottle form.
So it's still for sale? I'll pitch in for you to buy it and redirect it to your site. Not kidding. Perhaps more money than you think but nowhere near $5k.
sites still for really not interested in it..however theres a group of people pooling their money and if you want in i can point you in the right direction..
Fuck that. people are gonna buy it for the traffic to forward to their sites. WE took that shit down. You get that shit and point it to TRPWL.COM. Bown down to Thompkins and PWLTroLL Bitches!!!
I don't think whomever buys it, individually or in a group, is going to try and profit from it. We already know the site got next to zero traffic. I don't think there's any profit to be had. I believe this group is just buying it to be done with it. Only issue I have is where the money is going. If Donny asked for a 5k donation to the Red Cross or some charity, I'd be all over that. But handing that Hitler wannabe money just strikes me as a very wrong thing to do. 1k? Well, that's just such a pathetic amount of money I say pay it. But 5k, in Thailand, isn't chump-change. Can't stand the fact that guy will profit from evil after everything he's done.
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