Shy Love Loses Over 50K In Schechter Blade Lawsuit

I think the 50k is a conservative figure, when Shy’s attorneys asked for fees on the counter suit, they asked for a little more than 40k, that motion was not granted and had nothing to do with Shy’s original suit against Schechter, Blade and several others.  One attorney told me he thinks Shy spent more like 75-80k. Most of that im told was charged on cards.

When Shy came to me with an exclusive 6 months ago, we began to interact, on the phone and thru texts. During the course of the fake friendship,  I kept trying to get her to let go of the lawsuit V Schechter.

Shy kept telling me she would never ever settle with Mark, saying Mark needed to pay for remarks he allegedly made at a LATATA meeting,  she also claimed to have over 50k tied up in the suit and wasn’t about to waste her money and walkaway.. Keep in mind, this convo was maybe 3 months ago.

Flash forward to June 16th, Shy and Schechter settled their lawsuit behind closed doors. Both signed a non disclosure agreement  (NDA). Now, I have no personal knowledge of the settlement agreement, but, im confident no money changed hands,  with that in mind, when Shy tells people she “won” that wouldn’t be correct. Unless of course wasting at least 50k on an attorney plus 8k in airfare is a win.  Who knows, maybe she’s richer for the experience.

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