The Astrid Star Navy/Marine of One #DWI #Drugs #AstridStar

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - JANUARY 26: Adult film actress Astrid Star attends the 2019 Adult Video News Awards at The Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on January 26, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images)

For those of you who don’t understand how WordPress works, in the admin panel, you can see every single IP that posts a comment. It’s not uncommon for people to have several alts, this is really prevalent on lesser sites, it gives the outward appearance the site is actually more popular than it really is.

Normally, I don’t care, we have several readers here with alts. Most of them are talent/production who don’t want to out themselves, and we are totally fine with that.

And unlike other sites, I normally don’t delete comments about me, or other writers, unless they delve into areas that are of absolutely no relevance to the post, the site, or porn.

Last week, after Astrid Star attacked another performer, I made fun of her for claiming to have a “top secret clearance” as well as her saying she could have a performer” banned from porn.”

It was one of those one and done posts, but Astrid decided to reach out to me with threats of legal action. This is a huge no-no,  I’ve never caved to that threat mostly because the premise of most of my posts is using your words against you. I save the 5000 word essays for the guys who write for pussy and meth. We keep it simple here, and for 10 years its worked.

You see Astrid, I couldn’t care less about you as a performer, you’re nothing to me, just another girl who got off the bus looking for fame. You think because you’ve gotten naked and fanboys prop you up, you’re someone we should be in awe of, you’re not. I’ve seen a 1000 girls like you come and go, dumb asses who believe what the guys who wanna fuck them say.  I’m not like the bloggers, writers, reviewers, and fans are, I truly don’t care if you don’t like me.

So when you come to the site after an auto tweet goes out and try and insult me, it doesn’t work. It just leads to you getting blasted again. For me to care about what you say would mean I have to value who you are as a person. I don’t.

Astrid, the rest of this post you brought on yourself:

First, lets go over your tweets:

You claim to have been an 8 year veteran in the above tweet…

Below, you made 2 claims, one that you’re a 10 year veteran, and the other “I WORK for the US Navy”


Now, I’m not an Ivy league graduate, State school actually, If it’s currently 2021 and I subtract 2008, I get more than 10 years. You attempted to lead people into thinking you’re still in the Navy using the word “work.” Trust me when I tell you the Navy would kick your ass out if they knew you were doing porn.

On your own LinkedIn, you said you were only in for 4 years.

So which is it? Your story isn’t adding up.  You think maybe if you didn’t lie so much people might believe you.

Here Astrid, I’ll let you get a word in:

I never talked down on the Military, I talked down on you for you very obvious lies about length of service. I do have evidence, you wanna see some it? In 2012 you were arrested for DWI.

Do you know what happens to ACTIVE duty military when the get arrested for DWI off base? I don’t, I’m just a guy with a blog that no one reads but you.

Here are some more site comments, these are all from the same IP.

LOL. Astrid uses the exact seem phrases on her Twitter account.

Again, all comments from the same IP. It appears that Astrid was also in the Marines, and I should be scared.

Once again the again same phrases are all over Astrid’s social media and personal messages. lol

But she did some deep research on the Devil Dog

It’s the first one that pops up. Yes, Astrid is super smart

I have never seen anyone throw around the term veteran as much as Astrid does, she’s the one that walks into IHOP and demands a discount because she did nothing but draw a check for 4 years, much like Tucker Slain. A fact no one ever debated, I clearly stated in the OP, you may have served for a few years, but you lead everyone to believe that as the ashes were falling from the towers you went all Rambo and ran down and enlisted. You lied about your service time and were too high to see the mistake, oh yea, I forgot, you’ve never done drugs.

Arrest Details

I’m sure the cops planted those drugs on you,  you’re Astrid Star, 13 year navy Veteran with top secret clearance, and judging by the comments left on the site, former marine who’s a huge fan of TRPWL, even though he’s a “raper” with a “small penis.”

FYI, The only one who calls it the 911 war is you, no one says I’m a “911 veteran” either, just you.

It’s the “war on terror” you stupid fuck.


So the next time you pretend to be 10 different people, use the proper terminology.


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  • I read in soldier of fortune that Astrid once covered a grenade with her face and saved the lives of 6000 enlisted men. Her Wikipedia says she’s the one who showed Clint Eastwood how to walk an talk like a Marine in Hearbreak ridge. She’s a National treasure. You better watch the fuck our, she can kill you in 6 different ways, including using Ninja skills

  • Your posts are all lies. I served with Astrid Star in the Navy. If you are saying she is lying I will personally come out on video proving I served with her . Your a piece of shit and a loser for trying to take away someone’s service and hard earned sacrifice . It is also illegal to deny someone their military service .
    Sincerely ,
    USS Gov.

    • You obviously can’t read. No where in the story about drunk driver Astrid does it say she didn’t serve. She did however lie about length of service, and went as far as to claim she was still in. Another lie from a scumbag piece of monkey shit

        • Lmao another bot. God you will do anything to make your pathetic site look legit . Lol how lame . Your such a fanboy and you act like anyone even cares who you are . Your the scum on a bottom of an Orestes shell. I’d like to see your ugly ass join the military. Oh I forgot you can’t if you have no balls. Bro get a life. Your site is fake!! You have no evidence of anything you say but a lot of evidence that what you say is lies and slander. You are bullying a veteran.. youu are patheetic

  • Astrid is an addict, and she's ugly AF. Not sure if you see her timeline or not, shes ranting over and over about he she was in the navy, which as far as I can tell, you guys never disputed. She's a fucking wack-ado

  • Bro are you that bored you have nothing to do . You don’t know how to read and you have no life for making fun of a veteran who served this country . I personally know Astrid she served 4 years active and 6 years inactive duty for a total of 10 years ! Security clearance last 20 year! Nothing she said is a lie so you look stupid dor bullying a sweet girl .

    • Yes, cuz convicted drunk drivers who've been arrested for drugs, and hook/shoot porn, maintain security clearance, you FUCKING IDIOT

      • Are you that stupid ??? A dui is a misdieameanor dumbass.. everything you posted was a misdemeanor you don’t lose your security clearance for a misdemeanor you idiot. God at least try to make the article sound legit lmao ? this has FAKE TMZ written all over it . Go home bro . Your a nobody.

        • He obviously is that stupid . Look how many people and navy/military are willing to get back at him for messing with one of our sister in arms . You never want to mess with one if us. We will die for each other . You should have never went after the military and veteran community . We are a tight nit community and you just woke up the sleeping bear. Final warning to stop messing with one ornament our own.
          Sincerely, CDR Powell, Astrid’s Army.
          US Military

      • He is a tool just ignore him. No one listens to what he says and he has no friends so he thinks by bullying sweet women they somehow will fuck him because he’s too scared to go up and ask Astrid to fuck him so instead he thinks by writing articles about her it will get his attention and he may have the chance to fuck her. He’s delusional . He’s irrelevant and a nobody that’s why nobody takes what he says seriously .

  • Your lame and you comment on your own post because no one likes your articles . You are the definition of fake news . Leave this poor navy veteran alone . I bet your too much of a pussy to ever have served your country so knownyour a day short guy and old who hides behind a keyboard wishing he could get pussy. Your a loser. No one reads this garbage except to come on here to clown how stupid you are Tandy to take up for sweet Astrid Star and show evidence everything this guy is saying is made up . What kind of person tries to steal away someone’s valor and time yheyvaerved in Thebesitary . Your a special type of scumbag

  • She posted a dd214 on her twitter a few hours ago. Everything she said was the truth and everything you said was a lie. She was honorably discharged and completed her time of service april 15,2012. That is 4/15/12 when she completed 4 years active duty and was transfered to inactive duty for 6 years which means they can call u back at anytime . You contradicted yourself and made yourself look like a fool. The misdemeanor dui was on may 12,2012 !! You just made yourself look stupid. Lmao !! So the dui was a year after she was honorably discharged from active duty and has nothing to do with her service !!! Next time if you wanna gossip like a girl make sure to have actual evidence that doesn't contradict you and make you look stupid !!

    • Astrid why did you drive drunk? And how much drugs did they catch you with in Texas? Where you selling it to little kids in the park?

      • She never got a dui // And has no felonies. Her record is clean and that's why she receieved the good conduct medal in the Navy. she doesn't do drugs , I personally know her. For you to make fun and bully a sweet veteran who proudly served her country is a disgrace . This website should be shutdown!!!!All you do is slander people's name. Your screen shotted a picture dude and then made up shit about Astrid because she proved you wrong and you felt stupid. Give up .you lost . You made fun of a veteran and now you have the whole veteran and active duty military community against !! Not a wise choice especially when alot of us are high up elites that wouldn't be wise to continue to mess with . We protect each other and would die for one another but you will never know about loyalty because all you do is sit behind your keyboard in your mama's basement licking peanut butter of your own penis.! Vets and military don't fuck around. Stop making up lies about Astrid Star. She already proved you lied about everything you said and she gave evidence she served in the war on terrorism and afghan and iran war. she has medals and deployed during the war and you are telling her and posting lies saying she didn't serve during the war on terrorism or afghan/iraq war. She posted a picture showing evidence and official government documents. Slandering and making up lies to hurt someone is illegal. Last chance leave our sailor alone
        because we will never give up." Honor, courage commitment". Whatyou did was illegal and we all have proof of it. You messed with the wrong group and a true sweet navy veteran girl. Your an evil person and I hope you have learned your lesson and stop bullying people and making up rumors and lies especially to innocent people who don't deserve it. The TRUTH always shines through.

      • Hahahahahahahaha this guy must be a dumbass that's why no one loves you . It must suck to be unloved. Hahahhahahah . He buys everything from his buys, to his comments, to the article likes!! He's like the ring in my ear I can't hear but keeps on ringing. He must not get his dick sucked or ever get pussy because all he has time is to sit behind a keyboard and pretend to be a bad ass even though he's wimpy like a little shrimpy his penis is.

      • I'm going to tell everyone of they need some fake news to come here. I haven't read one article on your site that shows actual evidence or proof of what you say. Stop drinking that haterade and go get some pussy or something . Get another hobby because writing is not your expertise.

  • She never got a dui // And has no felonies. Her record is clean and that's why she receieved the good conduct medal in the Navy. she doesn't do drugs , I personally know her. For you to make fun and bully a sweet veteran who proudly served her country is a disgrace . This website should be shutdown!!!!All you do is slander people's name. Your screen shotted a picture dude and then made up shit about Astrid because she proved you wrong and you felt stupid. Give up .you lost . You made fun of a veteran and now you have the whole veteran and active duty military community against !! Not a wise choice ,especially when alot of us are high up elites that wouldn't be wise to continue to mess with . We protect each other and would die for one another but you will never know about loyalty because all you do is sit behind your keyboard in your mama's basement licking peanut butter of your own penis.! Vets and military don't fuck around. Stop making up lies about Astrid Star. She already proved you lied about everything you said and she gave evidence she served in the war on terrorism and afghan and iran war. she has medals and deployed during the war and you are telling her and posting lies saying she didn't serve during the war on terrorism or afghan/iraq war. She posted a picture showing evidence and official government documents. Slandering and making up lies to hurt someone is illegal. Last chance leave our sailor alone
    because we will never give up." Honor, courage commitment". Whatyou did is illegal and we all have proof of it. You messed with the wrong group and a true sweet navy veteran girl. Your an evil person and I hope you have learned your lesson and stop bullying people and making up rumors and lies especially to innocent people who don't deserve it. The TRUTH always shines through. All is one one is all.

  • You hate on pornstars because you walked in your mother getting fucked so now you hate on women so much because your mind is so fucked up. It made you extremely delusional and fucked in the head. They have psychology classes and help you can get to try to fix your head . Maybe all the heroin you do is making you too emotional .. kinda sounds like your on some kind of psychedelic too with all the weird imagined delusions and twisted lies you imagine in your head. Maybe lsd. Give your head a break maybe you can start thinking sane and delusional again . Get HELP. Compulsive lying is a psychological disorder . You can get help and you can get healed ! You can get help from lying with a few simple steps. All it takes is a reality check , the truth,and more bullshit ! I hope you give it a try and I hope you get healed !

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