‘There Are Tons Of Ex-Gays With Fabulous Stories’ Claims Christian Radio Host Sandy Rios

During her speech today at the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C., Christian radio host Sandy Rios claimed that there are ex-gays “everywhere,” but are not heard “because they are maligned and threatened.”

According to RightWingWatch.org, Rios started by asking attendees, “Anybody know an ex-gay?”

Political Research Associates described the audience’s reaction with a tweet, “NO ONE raises their hand.”

“You know what, they are everywhere and the reason you don’t hear about them is because they are maligned and threatened,” said Rios (video below).

She then recalled that an ex-gay named Stephen Bennett went on Fox News show The O’Reilly Factor, but according to Rios, “Honestly, Bill [O’Reilly] wouldn’t let him talk.”

“I can’t even think of an ex-gay or lesbian person that I have seen on television since, anybody in this room? You seen anyone tell their story on television?” asked Rios again.

The room sounded silent, so she continued.

“There are tons of ex-gays with fabulous stories, but the American people don’t even know about that. And yet if we tell the truth about this, we are haters,” lamented Rios.

Rios then tried to justify her own gay bashing by stating, “I just don’t think you can love people and not tell them the truth… It is a dangerous time to be a Christian conservative.”

She concluded by claiming Americans “just don’t know” the human and financial cost of homosexuals and lesbians.


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