Categories: Polls

2011 Biggest Bitch Contest – VOTE NOW

It was hard to narrow this down to these five. Sure, there are so many total bitches out there, I could have made a list of 100. For you to make the final list, you had to be such a bitch you brought happiness to no one. No happy interaction, no twitter banter with your pals, just total 100% pure bitch.

It’s for this reason, and for those who wonder why Nica isn’t on the list…it’s simple. While she’s got her issues, she makes her bitch bois happy, she interacts and is generally nice to her fans.

This can not be said about the others, mostly because they have no friends or fans.

Winner gets a fantastic tee shirt as well as a cool certificate for their wall.

Without further ado, let the voting commence!

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  • Let me explain my vote.

    Darrah has been invisible for much of the year, so I didn't vote for her.

    Lubben is off my radar, only people that buy her line of shit are so stupid they deserve it.

    Desi, she a prairie doggin turd, nothing more.

    Now, we come to Coco Loco and Fat Tara, that a whole big mess of chocolate crazy. Coco Loco has said some horrible shit, and she waaay unhealthy ways of expressing anger, but all she do is talk. Fat Tara was actually stupid/crazy enough to involve courts, that is beyond the line of proper internet warfare. There fore my vote for BOTY goes to:

    Fat Tara.

  • lol, this is what separates the men from the boys..Its decisions like this that can change the future ..May the gods of Alexandraism be with you

  • i believe whenever one excels at something, they should be recognized. having given due consideration to each nominee, i decided that my vote would be cast in recognition of monica's superior bitch skills.

  • Close for me, too.

    Came down to Monica's multiple personalities fighting each other, versus Shelley's monomania.

    The difference??

    CocoLoco's words only hurt individuals.

    The Ministress' bald face LIES could change LAWS.

    Thusly...Lubben wins. Barely.

    • Lubben's office wall is lonely, too, Anthony -- the only thing on it is her diploma mill Theology degree from that unaccredited online university.

  • I selected Tara Akinloser because of all the crap she perpetrated on PWL earlier this year. At least Monica Foster came around and helped fight PWL in the end and sources outside of people participating on this site have said she is mentally ill (if I recall one said that she is schizophrenic which would explain her behavior as of late if she stopped her meds). Akinloser gets bonus bitch points for using the civil court system to "punk" Michael, Monica and Mercedes. If I would have been the judge that got "punk'd" and heard about it Akinloser would have been doing 90 days in the Riverside County Jail mental health ward (for proper diagnosis of course). As it stands I hope Michael can teach Akinloser a lesson she will never forget very soon via the courts!

    Of course in a normal year Shelley Lub-head would have won this election but this was not a normal year. I do hope that someone shoves her eight-foot staff unlubed up her anus very soon along with some AIDS, chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea infested gay guy having creampie unlubed and unprotected anal sex with Michael Weinstein from AHF (sorry but I had to say it and I think I spelled his last name properly).

    • if this is rodger, he should get the biggest loser of the year award. he has to be the internet defender and protector for all the other losers because no one in his insignificant real life wants anything to do with his fat, pathetic, loser self.

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