Actress Laverne Cox to support Monica Jones as she appeals ‘manifesting’ prostitution conviction

“Orange is the New Black” actress taking part in open discussion Tuesday night

PHOENIX – A student and activist convicted under Phoenix’s “manifesting” prostitution ordinance plans to file an appeal, and she is getting support from an Emmy-nominated actress, as well as the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona.

Monica Jones, a transgender woman of color, made national headline when police arrested her in May 2013. She was convicted of a misdemeanor in April. Her lawyers call the law she is accused of violating, Phoenix Municipal Code Section 23-52(A)(3), “unconstitutionally vague and overbroad.”

According to the law, certain behaviors are taken into consideration in determining if somebody in public “manifests an intent to commit or solicit an act of prostitution.

“Among the circumstances that may be considered in determining whether such an intent is manifested are: that the person repeatedly beckons to, stops or attempts to stop or engage passersby in conversation or repeatedly, stops or attempts to stop, motor vehicle operators by hailing, waiving [sic] of arms or any other bodily gesture…”

Attorneys for ACLU of Arizona believe the ordinance is unconstitutional, saying that it criminalizes a broad range of legal speech.

Emmy-nominated actress Laverne Cox of the hit series “Orange is the New Black” is lending her support to Jones.

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