American sisters arrested for nude photos at Cambodian temple

Two American sisters have been arrested in Cambodia for taking naked photos of each other inside the country’s famed Angkor temple complex, officials said on Saturday – the latest nude stunt by tourists to spark anger.

Lindsey Adams, 22, and her 20-year-old sister Leslie were discovered taking “nude pictures” inside the Preah Khan temple at the world heritage site on Friday, the Apsara Authority – the government agency managing the Angkor complex – said in a statement. “The two tourists admitted that they really made a mistake by taking nude photos,” the statement read.

Ms Chau Sun Kerya, a spokesman for the Apsara Authority, said the women’s actions were offensive because Angkor is considered sacred ground. “Perhaps they did not know Angkor is a holy site. But their inappropriate activities affect the sanctity of the place,” she told AFP.

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