APAC Announces it’s 897th Fight Racism Meeting

How many meetings do you need to have to “combat” racism? I’ve never been to a combat racism meeting, but I know how to combat it. By calling out people who do racist shit.

APAC has yet to figure it out, people don’t get kicked out of porn, oh you openly used the N-word on twitter, its ok, we will still shoot you, oh, you openly admit you won’t bang a black guy for rate reasons, thats cool, we get it, it’s business…

This isn’t rocket science, you dont need to have meetings to combat racist nuts, you simply remove them from your circle..

Irony, when I call out performers who are openly racist, members of APAC call me a bully.

What the fuck are “white allies”? And why do you need to let the White Allies know they are welcome at your just another reason to party party, I mean combat racism party?

I notice light snacks will be provided. What about dark snacks?  Will white chocolate be provided?

A lets combat racism party lead by FSC’s openly anti-white Lotus Lain, who to her credit, has threatened women of all races.  I say to her credit, because her attack on a rival APAG officer can’t be construed as a racist attack. You know like when Whitey gets called a racist and they say “Hey, I have a friend who’s Black, I can’t be racist.”  Not racist anti-racist Lotus’s anger issues know no color…

And yes, angry Lotus is sill hot.

I never heard how APAC and FSC’s segregated Lets Fight Racism party ended a few months ago?

Any White performers apologize for being White? LOL

I bet James Deen is rolling over in his freaking grave at what a mockery APAC has become…


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