Billy Santoro Accuses “The Straight Side Of Porn” Of Killing Dave Slick

I tried to watch this with an open mind, but in the end it’s mostly bullshit. This is Billy’s opinion and it can’t be discounted. However the video is contradictory at a minimum..

For those that don’t know, Dave Slick was a popular cam model who OVERDOSED at the 2018 Exxxotica Chicago.

Billy claims that the no listing and hate Dave received for being a crossover is the reason Dave killed himself, even though several times during the vid, Billy claims Dave told him the nasty messages he got never fazed him,  which at one point Billy claims was something he admired about Dave…

Billy basically says the straight side of porn is mean and hates gays…While that may be true for some, what Billy doesn’t get, it close to half the name brand girls date Bi-Guys. This isn’t some sort of secret.. In the 7 years I’ve been around, crossovers are accepted more on the straight side then ever before.

To be perfectly honest, the fears of working with crossovers aren’t unfounded, every single shutdown in the last 7 years can be tied to a crossover. Does that make it ok to bully a crossover performer? Of course not. But when you add the shutdowns with the fact that the gay side of porn is open about working with HIV + performers you can see where a few may be fearful.

Don’t get it twisted, there are some dirty STD ridden people on both sides, there’s a top 15 girl right now who hasn’t been able to put together 2 clean tests in a row since she’s been here… It is what is

I just dont subscribe to the Billy’s theory that everyone on this side is a bigot, the same way I don’t think everyone who supports Trump is a bigot

Throughout the vid, Billy keeps reaffirming that the straight side is nothing but bigots who hate gays, even touching on Jaxton and August.. What Billy fails to mention is during the August ordeal straight side performers where quick to jump down Augusts throat after she expressed her opinion.

Ironically, Billy calls the straight side of porn bullies, while simultaneously bringing up Str8 Up Gay Porn, a website, ran by a gay man, that makes it’s money off bashing gay performers, and in some instances doxing people for no other reason than they won an award using a fake name, that site is also famous for outing…..You guessed it, Crossover performers. And who made that site what it is today? GAY people for the most part.  Billy talks about the dislike for Crossovers, alot of the time, this side of porn wouldn’t even know if a guy crossed over if it wasn’t for THAT site outing them..

Even Billy’s site has some questionable posts that could be considered bullying other gay performers..

I get where Billy is coming from, he lost a friend and doesn’t want to accept the fact that some people just can’t be saved, but he’s out of line for trying to blame a whole group of people for the death of an obviously troubled man.

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  • Dave talked about suicide long before he started shooting porn. Billy’s misguided attempt at blaming porn falls on deaf ears to those of us that knew him

    • Thanks for sharing. I read what Jenny Blighe had to say about Dave. Seemed he had a lot to offer the world yet. Sorry for your loss. Take care

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