Germany’s World Cup shafting of Brazil mocked on porn site

How Brazil’s humiliation became a problem for a porn website after Germany’s 7-1 victory

Soccer fans have turned to a porn website to further humiliate Brazil for their World Cup defeat.

A World Cup shafting

Brazil’s team was trounced by Germany 7-1 in the semi-final last night.

Fans responded by flooding Pornhub with clips of the game and captions including ‘Young Brazilians get fucked by the entire German soccer team’.

Apparently the football fans created a problem for the site, to which they responded in comic style.

‘Please stop uploading the game highlights to Pornhub… Our public humiliation category is full. #BrazilvsGermany,’ Pornhub wrote.

The match has been widely branded the worst World Cup defeat in history, as the host nation crashed out of the competition — conceding three goals in 76 seconds.

This clip has also become an instant viral hit:

Gay Star News / The Independent

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