Crazy Bitches: Janet Jackme’s Take On Shelley Lubben

There is no secret that us women can be quite psychotic…however, I have found one that takes not only the cake…but the entire bakery.

Meet Shelley Lubben

She’s actually not a terrible looking woman thanks to plastic surgery, but her physical distortions are not the worst ones. She has paraded around the sex industry as a newly found saint trying to “save” us poor souls that degrade ourselves into a life of whoring and addiction. Firstly, she claims that addiction and sex go hand in hand, which is asinine considering most true addicts are alone when getting high/drunk.

I only speak from experience, because I was an addict as well. I’ve tried everything except hallucinogens, and most of it stems from childhood traumas and Genetics. The funny part is I got clean without

being a prostitute
being committed
an intervention

And I actually entered the Internet hooking phase AFTER I got sober. I have no regrets in my past, because I LEARNED FROM MY MISTAKES. I hate with a passion when people play the victim and blame others for their addictions, their misuse of their own life, and their mistakes. I was a POS, but I fixed it. Nobody forced me to smoke anything, it was my choice.

Then it was MY choice to end it. Aug 2010 I had my bottle of Jack in my hands…poured a shot and looked at it in the glass. “This is my last shot”

and that was it. I became a hermit like most people need to do, and stayed out of trouble.

Shelley Lubben has failed to take responsibility for her mistakes. She will always blame someone else for them, yet take all the credit for being able to “overcome” it. She believes she is a victim because she can’t see things logically. She truly believes and openly states that demons possessed her to fuck, suck, drink, and do drugs. HOW CAN YOU OVERCOME SOMETHING, IF IT’S NOT “YOU” DOING IT??

I do not like her, Sam I am.

—Please go Watch Episodes of The Devil & Shelley Lubben on Youtube, they will not only explain more in depth what I’m talking about, but you will see exactly what kind of horror the human race can be. Michael Whiteacre is an amazing person dedicated to unveiling the monster that is Lubben. —

The Devil And Shelley Lubben

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  • No, Janet --

    God told me he healed me of my alcoholism... which is I why I can now drink whenever I want to the point of falling down.

    God told me he healed me of my mental illness... which is why I don't pursue treatment.

    God told me I am the prophet Elijah, with the power to speak on His behalf and to bless and curse people and their enterprises... which is why I carry an 8 foot staff.

    God told me I should boink Ron Jeremy... which is why I bid six big ones on a date with him.

    God told me I should have money without having to do any real work... which is why I've lied about my entire life story.

    • God never speaks to me, or tells ME what to do. I'm highly intelligent. I'm much smarter than God. I tell GOD what to do. I created a fake religion, with fake commandments.

      My religion entitles me to lie about anything and slander all the people I feel inferior to...which is nearly everyone.

      I don't care if everyone hates me. All I need is ME...and an unlimited supply of boxed wine.

      • You would have attracted more attention if you called them "Demandments" like Hulk Hogan used to. Also, he kept the list short to make them easy to remember.

        1) Say your prayers
        2) Eat your vitamins
        3) Work out

  • If god is curing inebriates of their infatuation with distilled spirits, then I am obliged to ask a favor. Please keep that sum bitch far away from me. The thought leaves me shaken, not stirred.

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