DeliveryCode.com Promotion Allows Fans to Vote for Favorite Adult Stars

Innovative Wish List service provider DeliveryCode.com is offering fans a chance to show their devotion and vote for their favorite adult performers. The accrued votes allows the performers and models, who must be members of DeliveryCode, a chance to splurge on themselves with free gift vouchers.

“We wanted to give fans the opportunity to support their favorite model in a fun, new promotion,” said DeliveryCode Retail Director Sarah Stokely. “The fans get to vote for the adult stars they like the most, which can result in a DeliveryCode gift voucher allowing performers to purchase gifts off their own wish lists!”

Vouchers 4 Votes, now underway, allows fans to vote for a model only once since the voting system blocks any additional votes from the same IP (Internet Protocol) address. No registration or purchase is required to participate. However, fans may vote for as many models as they desire.

Under the rules, for every 10 votes a model receives, he or she earns a $1 DeliveryCode gift voucher; thus the more votes the model gets, the more gift vouchers he or she accumulates, allowing them to make purchases for items off their own wish list.

Since its launch at the beginning of February, DeliveryCode.com has become the home of over 400 celebrity wish lists, with over half of them belonging to adult industry performers.

To further make things easier, the all-new DeliveryCode™ App offers users a state-of-the-art, luxury gifting-app allowing adult stars and other celebrities to interact with fans without breeching privacy concerns or revealing delivery locations.

To download the DeliveryCode app from the Apple Store, click here.

The application is a privacy-protecting platform connecting fans with celebrities through curated Wish Lists of unlimited high-end boutiques and brands. Anyone may create a DeliveryCode Wish List™ by easily adding products from any online retail site in the world. In the case of celebrity wish lists, fans may purchase items directly from the list without ever obtaining access to the celebrity’s personal information. Shipping addresses are never shared on DeliveryCode and remain private.

An introduction video to the DeliveryCode App is available at: http://youtu.be/ch2Isq66_J8.

App users may easily register via the application or website, and their profiles are customizable by adding a short bio and photo, and filling in a size guide. Customers are then ready to create their wish list by visiting shopping sites and adding items from those sites to their wishlists.

DeliveryCode.com is an innovative “wish list” application, providing personalized “codes” for celebrities, models, musicians, and other high-profile entertainment clientele. Launched through Apple, the codes are offered to fans as a means to protect privacy and mitigate complications that may arise from providing mailing addresses for gift shipments. DeliveryCode launched in 2015, after company executives noticed the increased appeal of celebrity accessibility via channels such as social media. However increased fan access to celebrities presented a new problem: security and location privacy. While many celebrities opted to spend extra funds for private mailboxes, offices, and assistants to handle privacy issues, others simply opted to not offer such information, losing valuable fan interaction opportunities as a result. With multiple layers of firewalls and state-of-the-art cyber security measures in place, DeliveryCode ensures clients’ personal information will remain absolutely private. For more information, visit http://DeliveryCode.com, www.Twitter.com/Delivery_Code,  www.facebook.com/deliverycode, and www.Instagram.com/DeliveryCode .

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