Happy Birthday Ron Jeremy

Happy birthday Ron Jeremy

Adult film legend Ron Jeremy turned 61 today.

We all know about his amazing movie career, built on rock solid sexual performances and his easy way with dialogue.

And of course we know that even anti-porn evangelist Shelley Lubben had to have him sign her breast — err, I mean, her clavicle.

What can I tell you about Ronnie that you don’t already know?

Perhaps that in the summer of 1969 he worked as a busboy at a hotel in the Catskills, and after the breakfast shift he rode his scooter over to the legendary Woodstock festival, saw Jefferson Airplane perform two songs, then rode back to the hotel for the lunch shift.. (He can still stack and carry an amazing number of plates, by the way…)

That “The Hedgehog” is also a great juggler and a pianist…

Or perhaps that, to this day, when he steps onto a convention floor, Ron commands crowds larger than any other adult star, male or female, ….

But what I really want you to know about about Ronnie is that he’s a mensch. He’s a guy who’s always willing to step up and pitch in when his friends, or the adult business, needs him.

In 2010, I had the privilege of creating an all-star anti-piracy PSA, and Ronnie showed up loaded for bear. As online movie reviewer Dr. Gore, noted in his coverage of the shoot,  “Ron Jeremy pretty much nailed it. He reminded me of that scene in The Simpsons where Krusty the clown bursts into the recording studio to do voice-over work, gets it in one take and then takes off immediately saying ‘Learn from a professional kid.'”

I saw Ron not long ago at Vivid Radio host Sam Phillips’ birthday party at the Vivid Cabaret outside Los Angeles. When he walked in the door, it seemed as if everyone in the place but the girl shaking her ass on stage immediately migrated over to him. It was a swarm, chock full of worshipful affection. No one ever asked “Are you Ron Jeremy?”

Everyone knows Ron Jeremy.


Ron in Florida, this week


He’s porn’s good will ambassador. He’s Santa Claus. He’s the king of the Jews. He’s a living legend.

And I’m honored to call him my friend.

Happy birthday, Ronnie. Hail to the King!


Ron Jeremy at the author’s birthday party, September 2001

The author, Erica McLean, Sam Phillips and Mr. Ron Jeremy, February 2014


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