Jacky St. James Names Her Favorite BDSM Erotica for Ravishly.com

Award-wining adult film writer/director Jacky St. James is both a creator and a devotee of edgy material, making her a natural choice to provide insights on quality BDSM-themed erotica in the run-up to the release of the ’50 Shades of Grey’ film adaptation.

Jacky St. James

Published today at Ravishly.com, Nikki Gloudeman‘s piece titled ‘Forget 50 Shades: Feminist Adult Film Producers Pick Their Favorite BDSM Erotica’ also features delicious suggestions from sex-positive panelists Angie Rountree, owner and founder of Sssh.com; and Anna Frolicme, founder of FrolicMe, a site featuring erotic films, videos, stories, and photographic collections.

The trio’s selections span from “the mainstream to the niche”, embracing such titles as Secretary, The Piano Teacher and 9 1/2 Weeks, as well as Dr. Ava’s Guide to Sensual BDSM For Couples.

Selections from St. James’ own oeuvre include:

The Submission of Emma Marx

Where to find it: Good Girls Like It Bad Store

A confident grad student finds herself questioning what is sexually “normal” when she ventures into a BDSM relationship with a handsome stranger.

The Submission of Emma Marx II: Boundaries

Where to find it: Good Girls Like It Bad Store (release date: Feb. 16)

When a woman is pushed to the very limits of her emotional and physical boundaries she discovers that sometimes the road to sexual freedom is ultimately in the letting go.


Where to find it: Good Girls Like It Bad Store

From handcuffs to blindfolds to role-play, four couples embark on new adventures within the light BDSM world.

Read the full article at Ravishly.com

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