L.A. City Officials Release Wrong Version of Porn-Condom Report

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles city officials today admit that they disseminated the wrong version of a report released yesterday on the implementation of the Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry ordinance.

Yesterday’s version of the report incorrectly included plans to create a check box to reflect whether or not production employees would be filmed “engaging in non-simulated sexual intercourse, defined as vaginal or anal penetration by a penis.” The check box was to be included on Film L.A. Inc. permit application requests.

Another proposal included in yesterday’s incorrect version lumps language involving “blood or infectious materials” to current categories relating to “dangerous special effects or hazardous conditions” like gunfire, breaking glass and other special effects.

The corrected version of the report, which substantially changes language under film permit application requirements, excises all of the above.

The corrected version states the following: “Section (5) of the ordinance requires the city to add the following language to all adult film permits: ‘If this production is an adult film, Permittee must abide by all applicable workplace health and safety regulations, including California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 5193, which mandates barrier protection, including condoms, to shield performers from contact with blood or other potentially infectious material during the production of films.'”

City analyst Eva Bitar, who had prepared the report for the working group that had been assigned the task of implementing the ordinance, said the report was sent in error despite being signed off by herself and City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana.

“We sent out the wrong version,” she told XBIZ.

City officials have sent the report to the city’s Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee, which likely will waive it through for the full council to weigh possibly next week.

Meanwhile, the Free Speech Coalition released a statement Thursday evening over the porn-condom ordinance, blasting efforts to regulate the porn production business in the city of Los Angeles.

“In a time when multiple California cities are going bankrupt, L.A. itself has a significant budgetary problem and city services are being cut drastically, I find it unconscionable that the city would create a new bureaucracy to monitor condoms on adult film performers,” said FSC Executive Director Diane Duke. “What’s even more ridiculous is that there hasn’t been a transmission of HIV on an adult set — nationwide — in over eight years.”

Correct version

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